State Of The Community

Jul 14, 2014 10:30

Greetings everyone!

IM popping in this morning (my time) to give you all a heads up for some of what'what's happening around here. All of it affects you, the members, so this announcement matters!

No worries. None of it is dire or even vaguely bad.

First up, I want to let you know about our new Mod. Some of you will have already seen her first action (posting this week's round up). wicked3659 is stepping in as our new mod and will be covering rules enforcement and weekly request round up/posts for part of the year. She's 13 hours ahead of your Head Mod and therefore may be easier to reach in times of critical issues (abuse complaints, other rules violations) than the US based mods for members in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. She also has the ability to create tags, so if you need one, don't be afraid to ask while Wick is around.

The second thing I want to talk about is the tagging project. It is still ongoing and I accidentally complicated the system by not removing the DW tags before I backed up the comm. This has added more time to my completion estimate, sorry.

Third: for those of you on Dreamwidth, please feel free to post to the DW version of the comm rather than the LJ. The DW comm is not just an archive!

Lastly, tomorrow will begin our fic-a-thon + lotto event! It will run July 15 through Aug 15 and will have some great prizes up for grabs. Full details will follow on the 15th!

Thanks for helping keep this comm alive everyone! You are all awesome!

topic: state of the comm, topic: public service announcement, topic: mod post

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