Weekly Response, - Prompt Fill

Jun 07, 2014 21:36

Title:  Help Sought out
Rating: Teens
Characters: Prowl, Vortex
Universe: Generation 1
Summary: Vortex kidnaps the officer best suited to helping him figure out a plan of attack.
Prompt: Vortex/Prowl - Crazy In Love

Showing none of the fear that filled him, Prowl ignored the rest of Vortex’s team.  “This is a crazy way of getting my attention.”

“I’m not after you.” Vortex snarled.  “It’s your battle computer.”

“That is firmly attached to my processors.”  Prowl shifted his doorwings.  It was vital he track the unseen gestalt members as they started to circle him.

“Just a few questions, and you’ll be good to go.”

Prowl kept his gaze focused on the Decepticon interrogator.  “You want my advice?”  Hysterics threatened to well up within him.  He squashed the laughter (and relief) as firmly as he killed the fear.  “Go ahead and ask.”

“How do you tell someone you’re crazy for them?”

Prowl’s first automatic, and flippant response was to say “ask Jazz”.  He bit his glossa  No need to give Vortex a second officer’s designation.  “My emotions are not on speaking terms with my processor.”  Prow admitted, trying to stall for time. Who the devil was Vortex interested in?

Vortex vented.  “Wrong answer.”  The circle around Prowl grew smaller, tighter.  All five remained out of reach, out of grabbing distance.  “How do you let someone know that you are crazy for them?”

“Personally, I don’t - it’s bad for moral.”  Prowl could no longer hide the jitters shaking his body.  Not even Autobots pressed in this close to him for extended periods of time.  “Have you tried High-grade or energon goodies?”

“And importing Rust Sticks from Cybertron,” Vortex nodded.  “Cassettes took ‘em before the mech noticed.”

With a mental puzzle in front of him, Prowl could focus on something other than the dire situation he found himself.  Soundwave? Vortex was trying to start something with the Communication’s officer? “Well, you could find something else he likes and give it to him.  I understand classical music - specifically the stuff by Bach or Mozart - is very popular in some circles.”

“Wrong answer.”

Four different mechs stood close enough that they could almost touch Prowl.

“You think I want to stalk the mech?  That’s suicidal - Especially for Decepticons!”

“Why not sit down and tell him then, that you’re interested in him?”  Prowl gambled his bluntness would grant him some breathing room.

The question stumped Vortex - and his gestalt - long enough for the rescue team to stun them.

“What took you so long?”  Prowl stepped over the immobile forms, shaking hard.

Hound kicked Vortex’s helm.  “Didn’t want one of these guys warning Megatron.”

Inferno finished manacling the others.  “Ready to leave?”

“Yes - just keep your distance.”  Prowl transformed, took off.

The three vehicles - a red fire truck, a police cruiser, and a four-wheel drive Jeep left the area.  Vortex and his team were not missed for hours - long after the battle ended, and the Cons retreated to their base.

rated: pg 13/t, vortex, continuity: g1, prowl

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