Protected from the Night Terrors-A Dino x Sidswipe Fic (Bayverse-Rating:PG, Kinks-Feeding)

Feb 15, 2014 23:39

Title: Protected from the Night Terrors
Pairing: Dino x Sideswipe
Rating: PG
Universe: Bayverse
Kinks: Feeding
Summary: Sideswipe has a nightmare/night terror and Dino calms him down. Shameless fluff!

Dino was gently rubbing the back of a affectionately purring Sideswipe as the two reclined on the berth nestled against Dino's berthroom wall. Today was a rather calm day, by Autobot standards at least. Que only had one invention blow up in his face and a ranting Ratchet soon after.

Optimus only had to reprimand the twins, Skids and Mudflap, once about turning his SIC's normal black and white frame a different color with glitter paint and said SIC forming torturous ways of punishing the twins.

But all in all a rather peaceful day indeed.

Amongst his musings, Dino was pulled away as he felt Sideswipe's audials flick slightly against his chest armor. Raising an optic ridge, he softly said Sideswipe's name only to recieve a whimper in response, the frontliner's face scrunting up into a grimace like he was in pain before letting out a shriek of fear.

"Sideswipe!" Dino said worriedly to his lover, gently shaking his beloved's shoulder. Upon unleashing another shriek and inaduiable mumblings, Sideswipe slowly opened his optics as he chirred a bit.

" Easy Sideswipe," Dino cooed to his lover as he opened his chest plates, revealing his spark and energon pouches: two flexible pouches that were filling with an enriched energon, made espically for calming down the weary and overworked processors of mates and younglings.

With a soft chirp Sideswipe latched onto one of the energon pouches (one right of Dino's spark), and began to suckle from the Italian-accented Autobot.

Dino just relaxed, closing his optics in content and peace as his love drank from him.

Tomorrow would be another day.

sideswipe, dino

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