Rolling Thunder - Rumble & Thundercracker (One Shot)

Dec 13, 2009 20:35

Rare Pairings

Title: Rolling Thunder

Series: None. One Shot.

Rating: PG13, for adult situations, CRACK! for the utter lack of sense.

Verse: 90% percent G1, some IDW and other scattered bits as always.

Pairings: Rumble & Thundercracker (Sane or Derranged? You be the judge!)

Summary: When seismic alarms go off it’s not always a natural occurrence

Notes: And here I go with my first volley into the field of rare pairings!
Took some time to finish this since I’m also drabbling away on a different tale and it wasn’t an easy pairing to depict.
Not sure if any of the characters are in character, most likely not. Oh well. At least I gave it the "'ol college try".
Looking back I can only think...”I stayed up until three in the morning writing this?!”.
Regarding certain...scenes. All I can think of is Marge Simpson saying: Oh no, he’s sunk even lower!”.
A lot (lot) longer than it should be and I did try to whittle it down. Apologies for any spelling/grammatical errors and for the general lack of sense.
Hopefully my next attempt will be better (for Red Alert's and Bluestreak's sake it had better be!)
Comments are always welcome.

Rolling Thunder


Rumble heard heavy footsteps approaching and took refuge behind one of the decorative arches Hook had insisted in installing, to maintain an air of “Cybertronian elegance” amongst the otherwise stark interiors of Decepticon headquarters. Rumble had laughed his helm off and berated the idea as stupid right in Hook’s face. He’d never imagined it would be this useful, to him anyway.

Skywarp and his cronies appeared from around the next corner. There were two of them, one dark grey and crimson, the other dark grey and white. Thrust and Ramjet. Rumble had come to learn their names not very long ago, under less than friendly circumstances.

The new arrivals from Cybertron were both eager to get on the good graces of the Seekers and to muscle some respect for themselves amongst the established troops. So far they had made no impression on Starscream, who generally held everyone beneath his rank with nothing but contempt.
Thundercracker continued to be absent due to Megatron’s orders, leaving Skywarp to take them under his wing.

All three sported an array of damages, especially Skywarp whose features appeared oddly distorted. He kept clenching and unclenching his fists.

‘Didn’t think the runt would be so tough’ Ramjet grated ‘look at my helm’ he rubbed the large indentations on his combination nosecone/battering ram helm ‘this’s going to take some work to fix.’

‘Quit your whining! That’s nothing!’ Skywarp turned on him, crimson optics filled with malice ‘look at what he did to me!’ he indicates his badly damaged features before shoving Ramjet aside ‘Look at what he did to my wing!’ he pointed to the twisted wreck that had been his right wing ‘I don’t care what Megatron says! That mini mite’s gonna pay!’

Skywarp snarled and punched a large dent on the nearest wall

‘We’ll catch the mite,’ he began ‘deactivate him and throw him down the turbolift shaft. By the time Megatron gets back we’ll be repaired and tell him it was an accident.’ Skywarp laughed ‘the runt...tripped!’

‘What if Megatron finds out.’ Thrust spoke ‘He-‘

‘He won’t find out unless you go blabbing to him’ Skywarp threatened ‘and you wouldn’t be that stupid now’ he aimed one of his machine gun barrels at Thrusts chest casing ‘would you?’


‘Good!’ Skywarp spoke ‘because you DON’T want to get on my bad side so early in the game. Now let’s go, he’s gotta be around here somewhere! Little scrapheap couldn’t have gone too far.’

Pile ‘a’ junk! Rumble’s temper threatened to get the better of him and he forced himself to avoid the group, opening one of the service hatches and using the narrow tunnels to get past them.

He crawled onwards, unafraid, optics switching to night vision to make his path easier He recalled Skywarp’s pathetic whining as he’d dented the Seeker’s faceplate and it brought a huge smile to his face.
Ain’t pretty no more, Rumble chuckled with satisfaction, shoving inactive service droids aside as he made his way down to the base’s lower levels.

He came to a junction and checked his bearings, looking for familiar signposts.

‘Almost there’ He mumbled, spotting a familiar mark he’d made on the tunnel wall when coming this way before. Not too far now, he thought, opening the service hatch and making sure the corridor beyond was empty before stepping out.

The lower level corridors were deserted. None of the Seekers ever ventured this way, Starscream insisted it was, literally, beneath “Megatron’s flying elite” to wonder this area of the base and had issued warnings for his companions not to disobey him.

If he could get to the workshop Scrapper and the rest had abandoned for larger quarters he could hide out there, wait it out until Soundwave or Megatron returned.

Tense moments passed and he met no one until he finally reached the abandoned workshop, entering the code only he and one other possessed.

‘Guess I’ll be all right here’ Rumble murmured, allowing the door to lock behind him while the lights activated.


Rumble looked up, and up, and up and smiled at the tall winged figure that emerged from the shadows ‘Hey!’ He made to rush the taller blue armoured Decepticon but stood his ground and crossed his arms instead ‘where’ve you been?!’

‘Another damn reconnaissance mission for Megatron.’ Thundercracker offered ‘Just got back.’ He smiled ‘didn’t think you’d be here.’

‘You made it back alone?’ Rumble asked ‘Where’s the rest?’

‘Oh, they were coming back’ Thundercracker chuckled ‘then Starscream started acting up. Last time I saw them the Screamer was gaining ground.’

Thundercracker laughed, enjoying the memory of seeing Starscream, begging frantically while fleeing from Megatron’s furious cannon barrage.

Thundercracker looked to the small shape hiding in the shadows ‘missed me?’ he asked, his usually gruff tones mellowing slightly.

‘No way!’ Rumble shook his helm ‘Not for an astrosecond!’

Rumble’s tough attitude always made Thundercracker smile ‘All right then’ Thundercracker shrugged and played along ‘I brought you a present but’ he made to walk away ‘I suppose you don’t want it now...’

‘No wait I want it!’ Rumble jumped and flung his hands up like an excited sparkling, forgetting he was still angry at the Seeker ‘I mean’ he remembered and pouted, crossing his arms once more ‘who cares!’

‘Fiery as always’ Thundercracker chuckled ‘C’mon, don’t be shy?’ He reached down and tried to coax Rumble from the shadows ‘let’s see ya.’

‘I ain’t shy!’ Rumble cried ‘s’just...’

Thundercracker already guessed why Rumble had remained in the shadows.

‘C’mon’ he went down on one knee and reached for the small Decepticon, grabbing one tiny arm and refusing to let go despite Rumble’s struggles ‘let’s see.’

Rumble held his ground, optics flaring angrily. It was bad enough the bigger Decepticons kept picking on him; he didn’t want to look like a weakling in front of Thundercracker.

‘C’mon’ Thundercracker insisted gently ‘you know it’s me.’

In the end Thundercracker’s coaxing digits managed to prise Rumble from the shadows and into the lights.
He grimaced at the damage. Rumble had taken a lot of punishment: most of his chest casing was badly dented; his right arm looked partially crushed while his left leg looked oddly, as if it had been dislocated off its joint and hastily reattached.

‘Skywarp?’ Thundercracker asked grimly while releasing Rumble’s arm

‘Yeah’ Rumble nodded ‘him n’ Ramjet n’ Thrust.’

‘Three...’ Thundercracker whispered, finding it difficult to contain his rage. Three of them against Rumble. Skywarp he could understand but Thrust and Ramjet? They had just arrived from Cybertron, why would they

‘You’re brooding C’ Rumble spoke with a grin


‘There you go, doing all that thinkin’’ Rumble teased him

‘How many times have I told ya’ Thundercracker stood up straight ‘stop calling me C!’

‘I’ll call ya what I wanna call ya’ Rumble looked up ‘Chump!’

‘You little-‘

‘Let’s see you do somethin’ about it tough guy!’ Rumble goaded him ‘C’mon!’ he raised his fists.

‘All right then!’ Thundercracker moved swiftly, seizing Rumble with one hand and... tickling him.

‘Hey! Heh! Heh! Heh!’ Rumble couldn’t help himself as Thundercracker’s digits sent a mild electric charge through him, shorting out fragments of his dermal sensory layer, ‘cut it out! Haheheehee!’ He tried to stop Thundercracker’s tickling his dorsal plates ‘Heeheehee! Hah! I...heh! I...heheheehee!!’

‘C’mon’ Thundercracker spoke ‘say it.’

‘No..heehee! No way youhaahaheeeheee!!’ Rumble tried to get away but Thundercracker held him fast ‘stoheeheee!! Sthahaheeheehaha!’

‘Nothing to it, say it with me’ Thundercracker ceased his attack, granting Rumble a moment ‘“I’m sorry.”’

‘Make me!’ Rumble snapped ‘tetrahedron helm!’

‘Fine!’ Thundercracker snapped back and resumed his tickling

Every trace of brawling tough guy disappeared as Rumble laughed like a carefree sparkling, making Thundercracker laugh in turn.

Rumble couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed this much.
Usually he was forced to laugh along to either avoid Starscream’s temper or Skywarp’s fist. Thundercracker of all the Seekers held no malice towards him and actually treated him as, if not a Seeker equal, a Decepticon equal.

“You’re not as bad as the Screamer” Rumble had spoken boldly to him during one of their meetings “I think I’ll call ya C!”
Despite Thundercracker’s complaints the tag had stuck and Rumble called him Thundercracker only in public, on any other occasion if was C.

‘Hah-HEY!’ Rumble tried to speak ‘heeh..cut..hahheehaahee..cut it out!’

‘Uh uh!’ Thundercracker shook his helm ‘say it’

‘I heh’ Rumble lost his temper ‘I SAID HANDS OFF!!’ he shouted and struck Thundercracker’s tickling hand aside before forcing the gripping hand open and jumping free.
Thundercracker heard the small Decepticon hit the ground hard.

‘Hey!’ Thundercracker reached down to make sure Rumble was all right.
He’d forgotten the powder keg was so strong and felt a little remorse for having teased him so much. Just a little remorse.

‘Back off!’ Rumble cried, knocking his hand aside ‘I don’ need ya help!’

‘Stop being so stubborn!’ Thundercracker spoke and helped him to his feet. ‘There’ he looked the Rumble over ‘everything functioning?’

‘I’m all right!’

Thundercracker took him into his arms and cradled him protectively.
He usually didn’t give a damn over anything that couldn’t keep up with him in the air but the little punk had grown on him. He could fly, to a point, and they both shared a love of combat.

Rumble’s small size usually caught his foes by surprise, many refusing to fire on him for fear of hurting a “sparkling”, realising their mistake too late as Rumble and his brother Frenzy took them apart with ferocity.

Oh yes, Thundercracker thought, enjoying the nervous shivering of Rumble’s energy field. There was nothing of a sparkling about Rumble.
As far as he knew the small short tempered Decepticon had seen more warfare than he. He was a “powder keg”, a term the humans kept for something set to detonate at any astrosecond. He’d learnt this while watching more of Earth’s idiotic entertainment transmissions.

‘You’re brooding again C’ Rumble chuckled ‘whatcha thinking?’

‘Where’s Soundwave?’ Thundercracker asked ‘Where’s Frenzy?’

‘Soundwave’s been scouting Autobot positions’ Rumble traced a hand over his crushed arm, looking over the damage ‘Didn’t need me or Frenzy along. Frenzy’s safe, I left him locked in Soundwave’s quarters.’ He looked to Thundercracker ‘No way Skywarp’s gonna be brave enough to tackle Soundwave’s security.’

‘Why aren’t you safe behind Soundwave’s security?’ Thundercracker asked

‘I can take care of myself!’ Rumble spoke ‘I worry ‘bout my bro but I can take Skywarp on any time!’

‘Waittaminit’ Thundercracker spoke ‘why haven’t you been repaired?’

‘Skywarp’s locked me out of repair bay ‘Rumble grumbled bitterly ‘fragger’s got a code or something. I could break in but he’d be on me like a plague of scraplets. Anyways,’ he shrugged and looked to Thundercracker ‘‘s’not so bad. Heh!’ He half smiled ‘Skywarp wasn’t smilin’ after what I did to his face. Shouldave seen ‘im whining! HEH!’

Thundercracker shook his helm and held Rumble closer. It hurt him to see the smaller Decepticon pitted against such odds. Unfortunately Rumble’s nature and tough talk usually resulted in him coming into conflict with Skywarp and the others.
Soundwave had left them behind, trusting Megatron’s presence would be enough of a deterrent. He hadn’t counted on Megatron leaving base unexpectedly.

‘Hey C!’ Rumble complained ‘easy! Watch the arm willya?!’

‘Sure’ Thundercracker eased his hold and brought Rumble’s helm closer to his lips, kissing it and accidentally kissing most of Rumble as well.

‘Easy with the mushy stuff!’ Rumble shuddered with excitement but refused to give in, not yet.

Thundercracker carried Rumble in his arms and took seat atop one of the disused work benches, setting the small Decepticon by his side. ‘I take it you didn’t do anything to make Skywarp mad?’ Thundercracker asked, leaning over and kissing Rumble a second time.

‘Well’ Rumble didn’t want to tell him the rest and was losing interest in anything but Thundercracker’s lips ‘I...’

‘So you did’ Thundercracker spoke ‘you know what Skywarp’s like.’

‘I din’ mean to!’ Rumble looked up into Thundercracker’s optics ‘S’just...Skywarp was talkin’ slag and I told him to shut it and..’ Rumble’s tale ran into mumbling.

‘And?’ Thundercracker insisted, digits playing lightly over Rumble’s minute armoured back, just over his spinal structure.

Rumble mumbled once more and unconsciously leaned into the caress

‘C’mon’ Thundercracker reached out and with his other hand and gently raised Rumble’s face to his.

‘He called you a tinfoil wannabe Decepticon.’

‘And you said?’ Thundercracker asked

‘I said it takes one to know one.’ Rumble chuckled

‘Powder keg’ Thundercracker sighed heavily and shook his helm ‘haven’t I told you, I can take care of myself. Skywarp’s said worse but we manage to get on.’

‘Yeah but’ Rumble’s hands fisted in frustration ‘he was just...he said it and...and I’

‘You did what you always do’ Thundercracker spoke

‘Damn right I did!’ Rumble struck his dented chest casing with pride ‘There’s no way that afterburner helm’s gonna call my partner a-‘

‘Your what?’ Thundercracker asked softly

Rumble pressed both hands to his mouth. Damn! He cursed himself over and over. He’d done it now!
Both he and Thundercracker had an arrangement but neither had ever called the other a partner. They hadn’t even interfaced, Rumble rued, why would Thundercracker consider him his partner?

‘Go on’ Thundercracker prompted with a wry smile ‘you called me...?’

‘I didn’t say nothing!’ Rumble spoke

‘Oh?’ Thundercracker shrugged ‘I guess I should let you know, I’ve met someone I want to bond with. I guess we’re through.’

‘Met...’ Rumble couldn’t contain himself and jumped, grabbing hold of Thundercracker’s armoured chest casing ‘No! You take that back! You’re mine! My partner! You take that back or’

‘Or what?!’ Thundercracker roared with a frown

‘I...’ Rumble snarled ‘I’ll make you sorry if you don’t!’

He hadn’t expected Thundercracker bursting into laughter, his frame shaking, the sonorous quality of his voice stirring something within Rumble’s spark.

‘Easy’ Thundercracker struggled to contain Rumble’s fury and managed to placate him enough to prise him off ‘I was just kidding. Don’t get mad’ Thundercracker spoke, holding Rumble to him ‘I’ve missed you, you know’ he murmured ‘You’re the only thing on this damn backward planet that’s worth coming back to.’

‘Really?’ Rumble’s facial gauges register a sudden fluctuation and rise in temperature.

‘Why else would I be here’ Thundercracker held Rumble closer, close enough for Rumble to appreciate the intricate circuitry within Thundercracker’s optics ‘except thinking of you?’

Rumble was silent as Thundercracker set him down on the bench, lying back while he admired Thundercracker’s armoured physique towering above him.

‘So’ Rumble smiled, filled with excitement ‘whatcha bring me C?’

‘You want it now or later?’ Thundercracker leaned down, lips playing over the small Decepticon’s helm.

Rumble groaned, Thundercracker’s stronger energy field sending a surge of crimson energy through him, causing his energy field to react in turn.

‘What’s it gonna be?’ Thundercracker’s deep voice was filled with desire and he kissed Rumble’s helm once more.

‘Give it to me now.’ Rumble reached out to caress the Seeker’s face ‘n’ I want the present later.’

‘You little powder keg’ Thundercracker laughed ‘if Soundwave could hear you now.’

‘Well he ain’t here!’ Rumble teased ‘sjust us C.’ he whispered ‘just us.’

Thundercracker’s fixation on the boisterous Decepticon had come with its own problems, particularly the difference in scales between them.
For one he couldn’t interface with him as he would with another Decepticon. The second, not that he would ever admit to Rumble, was that he really worried he might break the smaller Decepticon.
Not that Rumble was fragile. He’d seen the small Decepticon take on much larger foes and walk away with a smirk on his face.

Rumble had reassured him, he might be small but Soundwave had made him “versifile, or something”. In his own words: “I can handle anything you wanna bring, so either put up or shut up!”

And that was exactly what Thundercracker was about to do.

‘Offline your optics and make a wish...’ Thundercracker kissed the small Decepticon’s chest casing.

‘Yeah! Give it to me C...’ Rumble groaned ‘let’s see whatcha made of...’

‘Likewise punk’ Thundercracker groaned ‘likewise.’

‘Uh!’ Rumble shuddered as Thundercracker’s energy field washed over him again and again.

‘Wait...’ Rumble spoke after a little and sat up

‘We done already?’ Thundercracker asked disappointed

‘You wish!’ Rumble snorted and rose ‘I’ve got a surprise for you C’ he whispered ‘I’ll show ya.’

Thundercracker’s curiosity peaked and he sat back.

‘Now’ ease back’ Rumble ordered


‘Don’t make me make ya!’ Rumble grinned ‘lie back n’ I’ll show ya.’

Do I have-‘

‘Yeah you do!’

Thundercracker lay back but kept an optic on Rumble

‘I said down C!’ Rumble shove Thundercracker’s helm back so it hit the bench hard.

Little punk! Thundercracker touched the newly acquired ding on his helm. Looks like this is gonna be fun!

‘Sure’ Thundercracker felt like laughing, doing as ordered, surprised as Rumble climbed boldly atop him, straddling his armoured chest, just above the spark casing, tiny hands clinging between armour joints.

‘Don’t move now’ Rumble murmured ‘you’ll like this, I promise.’

Thundercracker relaxed

‘Howsabout this?’ Rumble asked

‘Huhhhh...’ The larger Decepticon uttered a pleasured groan as Rumble sent a mild seismic wave through him, causing his entire frame to vibrate.

‘Been thinking about it for a while’ Rumble whispered ‘howisit?’

‘Nice...’ Thundercracker mumbled

‘Eh?’ Rumble asked ‘didn’t hear that’

Thundercracker didn’t speak and all he uttered was an even louder groan

‘wassat?’ Rumble chuckled ‘Still didn’t hear-‘

‘I said gimme all you got ya PUNK!’ Thundercracker roared

‘You got it!’ Rumble grimed wickedly

‘Uuhhhnnn!’ Thundercracker’s back arched as Rumble’s amplified seismic wave caused his spark chamber to oscillate.
He was used to the powerful reverberations from his own engines but this was different, the frequency was different, and it felt good!
He reached out finding Rumble with one hand, grasping the minute frame between thumb and foredigit, enjoying the pleasured gasp Rumble fought to contain.

C’mon powder keg, Thundercracker teased the smaller Decepticon, digits caressing Rumble’s chest casing, looking for the sweet spot.
He pressed a little lower and Rumble whimpered suddenly, his small body arching to Thundercracker’s touch.

‘Bingo!’ Thundercracker whispered, using both hands, applying a little more pressure to his caress, savouring Rumble’s body thrashing atop him.

Rumble’s delight was contagious and their sparks oscillated in unison for a brief moment. It wasn’t enough, not for them but this was all they had.
So far, Rumble thought, deciding it was time to set his plan in motion.

Rumble ceased his seismic assault and found Thundercracker’s optics fixed on him, questioning.

‘I’ve got something for us C’

Thundercracker sat upright as Rumble jumped off, running to a shelf and returning with a small device he held excitedly.

‘It’s a universal link component.’ Rumble spoke ‘I’d stashed it here, for later’ he offered ‘didn’t think I’d find you here.’

‘A’ Thundercracker grinned ‘now how didya get something like that?’

‘Had ta threaten some cons’ Rumble returned Thundercracker’s grin ‘let’s play...’

‘You sure?’ Thundercracker asked ‘I...I don’t want to hurt you.’

‘Never seen you turn chicken before C’ Rumble taunted him ‘or ain’t you got the manifolds for it? Afraid I’m gonna roll the thunder?’


‘More action less talk C’ Rumble kissed Thundercracker’s face over and over ‘I know you want it, as much as me.’

‘Yeah’ Thundercracker murmured

‘Down C’ Rumble ordered

‘Just...don’t go whining to Soundwave if I fry your central processor.’ Thundercracker spoke and allowed Rumble atop him once more.

‘You wish!’ Rumble clung to Thundercracker’s waist and pressed hard on the dorsal panels, watching excitedly as these slid open. He didn’t even give a moment’s pause, reaching within and ensnaring the primary energy umbilicus, his laser core pulsating excitedly as he connected both he and Thundercracker together, at last.

‘Uhhh!!’ Rumble uttered a cry of agonised delight. He’d never experienced anything like it. Thundercracker’s energy field alone was overwhelming, but threatened to consume him altogether.

No way! He amplified his field and felt it merge with Thundercracker’s, enjoying the string of mad static it evoked from the larger Decepticon who sent a stream of powerful pulses coursing through their link.

‘Primus C’ Rumble groaned, optics offlining as his systems struggled to contain the feedback ‘I...’

‘That’s nothing...’ Thundercracker’s engines revved, nearly full power, releasing a thunderous roar that shook Rumble’s spark like nothing else, making him cry out madly as he bucked with every pulse.

‘C!!!’ Rumble began but emitted nothing but an ecstatic cry as his logic circuits scrambled, Thundercracker was caught in a similar snare thanks to Rumble releasing a powerful seismic wave trough him, rocking him, the bench, the workroom. Thundercracker felt the base sway around them as Rumble’s wave coursed through him. He swore he could see their sparks flaring fiercely, throbbing in sync like stars about to go nova.

Thundercracker roared as his engine reached full power, the noise deafening, the vibrations barely countering Rumble’s but shaking the small Decepticon’s spark nonetheless, causing Rumble to overload first.

Rumble’s cry was pure static, feedback finally overwhelming his systems.
He fell limply, Thundercracker barely managing to catch him before his own systems followed close behind.

Thundercracker’s engines slowed and ceased as his systems reset from overload. Their link separated, leaving them as two beings once more, the universal link component clattering to the bench surface. The workshop fell silent, both still, Rumble hearing Thundercracker’s lasercore pulsating fiercely within the Decepticon.

‘Wow...’ Rumble barely muttered, still unable to move.

‘We could have shaken ourselves to pieces’ Thundercracker chuckled

‘Almost did’ Rumble looked over himself ‘think I dropped a piece somewhere...’ he tried to rise but couldn’t coordinate his movements.

‘Just full of surprises aren’t you? Powder keg’

‘Same to you C!’

They were silent again, allowing their systems to reset fully.
Rumble’s mind returned to his predicament, namely, managing to stay alive until either Megatron or Soundwave returned.
To the pit with Skywarp! He cursed mentally.

‘I wonder if the base’s seismic alert registered anything.’ Thundercracker spoke ‘now that would be something. Hey’ he looked to Rumble ‘what’ s the matter?’

‘Just thinkin’’ Rumble offered ‘you know, about Skywarp and-‘ he fidgeted ‘Not sure what to do now. Guess I could take them on again.’

‘I’ve got an idea’ Thundercracker offered with a sly grin ‘but you’ve got to trust me.’

‘Tell me’ Rumble looked up with hope as Thundercracker held him while he rose.

‘I can’t’ Thundercracker spoke, looking into Rumble’s optics ‘you’ll have to trust me, partner.’ he kissed Rumble.

‘I...’ Rumble looked uncertain ‘all right.’ He nodded.

‘Good’ Thundercracker spoke ‘now’ he nuzzled the small Decepticon ‘offline your optics and make a wish...’

Rumble did as told and waited.
Thundercracker had acknowledged him as his partner! He was over the moons, he had to tell Sound-no, maybe not him, not yet. He had to tell Frenzy! Yeah! Frenzy! He’d understand.

‘It’ll hurt, a little’ Thundercracker spoke ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Eh?!’ Rumble uttered and felt something strike him hard.

Next thing he knew his optics were coming online and he was staring at bright lights above. Where was he?

‘Hey!’ Frenzy’s voice sounded excitedly from somewhere on his left ‘he’s coming online!’ Frenzy’s face hovered above him ‘how you doin’ bro?’

‘I’m in pain ya mug!’ Rumble muttered sourly ‘how do you think?!’ He groaned painfully ‘That chump!’ Rumble uttered angrily ‘he tricked me! I’ll show ‘im!’

He tried to rise and found most of his systems were still offline

‘Easy’ Frenzy spoke ‘You’ve had a lot of work done. Soundwave says you took a lot of damage.’ He drew in closer ‘Shoulda seen Megatron’s face when we found ya’ he whispered gleefully ‘He’s about to blow a fuse! Someone’s getting their helms kicked in for this.’

‘Where cha find me?’ Rumble asked, uncertain of what had happened

‘Well’ Frenzy spoke ‘nobody knew where you were n’ Megatron ordered a full search. Everyone near turned the base upside down until Thundercracker found ya jammed in Skywarp’s weapon locker.’

‘Thundercracker found me?’ Rumble spoke in surprise

‘Yeah’ Frenzy smiled ‘for a Seeker he’s sort of clever eh?’

So, that had been his plan, Rumble thought crossly. Hell of a plan!!

Rumble’s systems finally came online and he managed to move, sitting upright. He was in the repair bay, Soundwave at the console, running diagnostics. Megatron stood at the far end of the bay, optics ablaze, ignoring Rumble and his twin, apparently awaiting Soundwave’s report.

‘Diagnostics complete.’ Soundwave announced

‘Well?!’ Megatron insisted ‘report!’

‘Compilation of damage received:’ Soundwave read out ‘Decepticon: Skywarp, Decepticon: Thrust. Decepticon: Ramjet.’ He didn’t read out the last of the report, the traces of a different energon signature within Rumble’s systems. Decepticon: Thundercracker. He kept this detail to himself and decided to approach Rumble when they were alone.

‘Skywarp!!’ Megatron growled furiously.

‘Affirmative.’ Soundwave spoke and swivelled the seat to face Megatron, looking up to the Decepticon leader, his silent stare reminding Megatron of their deal: Soundwave would stand by Megatron faithfully, loyally, as long as his little ones went unharmed. In return they would give their all for their leader, down to their sparks if necessary.

Megatron didn’t have to be reminded. Soundwave was his most trusted and had earned this trust through the loyalty he displayed, as long as Megatron kept to their deal. He would do what was necessary.

‘Skywarp and company will be made an example of.’ Megatron growled and exited.

It wasn’t long before Skywarp’s screams could be heard throughout the headquarters. Whatever Megatron was doing to him Rumble was sure neither Skywarp nor his friends would soon forget it. Even Starscream had decided to lay low until Megatron’s temper cooled.

Rumble however was over the moons. That’ll teach Skywarp!
His anger towards Thundercracker eased and he wanted to see him again but Megatron had sent him away once more. Maybe next time, Rumble thought.

He was given the all clear within a solar cycle and sent back to Soundwave, who received him in the usual, stoic silence.
Rumble knew all of Soundwave’s “silences”. From the “I’m keeping an optic on you” silence, to the “I’m about to lose my temper and blast Starscream’s helm off his shoulders!” silence. This one was different, if felt as if Soundwave was...uncertain or curious.

He tried to ignore Sondwave’s silence and went about his usual downtime routine: Teasing Laserbeak and Buzzsaw, Playing with Ravage, both he and Frenzy helping Soundwave to compile all the data gathered from his spying missions. Time passed quickly and Rumble tried to excuse himself to recharge, hoping Soundwave wouldn’t ask.
He’d never lied to Soundwave and he wasn’t about to start now.

‘Rumble’ Soundwave called to him ‘a moment.’

‘Er’ Rumble looked up ‘sure.’

Soundwave took a seat on his berth and patted the place at his side, beckoning for Rumble to sit.

‘You have...interfaced’ Soundwave stated the moment Rumble took seat

Holy Primus! Rumble looked up in shock. Soundwave had gone straight for the mark there. He didn’t say much but when he did it spoke volumes.

‘Well’ Rumble fidgeted nervously

‘With Thundercracker.’ Soundwave stated calmly

Rumble remained silent, unsure how Soundwave would react.
He didn’t look angry, or surprised or, well, anything.
With the faceplate and visor in place it was impossible to tell what Soundwave was thinking and it worried Rumble that Soundwave hadn’t retracted either as he usually did when they were in their quarters.

‘Reply’ Soundwave spoke, his tone calm yet insistent

‘Well’ Rumble gathered his courage ‘well yeah! So?!’ He stood alongside Soundwave, barely reaching the larger Decepticon’s shoulder ‘yeah, we’ve interfaced, we had a great interface! I ain’t no pushover ya know!’ Rumble stood arms akimbo ‘I gave as good as I got!’

Soundwave remained silent

‘Aintcha gonna say nothing?’ Rumble asked

‘No.’ Soundwave spoke ‘Recharge time.’ Soundwave spoke and ‘Go.’

Rumble said nothing and jumped off Soundwave’s berth, making for his berth and hoping-

‘Rumble’ Soundwave called to him


‘Thundercracker left this’ Soundwave reached behind him and held two items out to Rumble ‘for you.’

‘Rock‘em Sock‘em Robots!’ Rumble cried excitedly and snatched the human toy from Soundwave’s hand ‘and the universal link!’ he grabbed the second item ‘I thought...’ He looked up to Soundwave ‘so, you knew!? You knew about me ‘n’ him ‘n’ how he helped me and how we-’

‘Yes’ Soundwave spoke ‘I am Soundwave, it’s my duty, to know.’

‘Oh’ Rumble understood ‘’re not mad? I mean, that we...’

‘No.’ Soundwave spoke ‘Go. Recharge.’

‘Can I stay up and play?’ Rumble asked, holding the human toy to so Soundwave could see it ‘you wanna be red or blue?’

Soundwave remained silent.

Great, he’s using the “don’t push your luck!” silence, Rumble thought.

‘All right’ Rumble smiled ‘I’m off to recharge.’

He was about to leave but rushed back and clasped Soundwave’s knees, surprising the larger Decepticon.

‘Thanks.’ Rumble spoke happily ‘thanks for letting me keep him!’

‘Gratitude acknowledged.’ Soundwave spoke ‘Recharge.’

Rumble rushed to his berth, eager to rest and show the human toy to Frenzy when he emerged from recharge.

Soundwave sat in silence, pondering how things would fare between his little one and the Seeker. Thundercracker had proven he cared, cared enough to ensnare Skywarp in his own malice, bringing him to Megatron’s attention as covertly as possible, something he found...acceptable and admirable. Soundwave also found it acceptable to allow Rumble to keep this relationship as long as it didn’t affect their service towards Megatron.

He reclined and retracted both faceplate and visor, allowing his systems to shut down one by one as the recharging sequence began, pondering what the future would hold for the oddly matched partners.


continuity: idw, thundercracker, rated: pg 13/t, rumble, non-challenge fic, continuity: g1, author: v_for_vincent

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