Halloween Challenge - Trick

Oct 04, 2013 20:46

Title: Halloween Challenge - Trick
Rating: PG-13
Series: Any
Pairings/Prompt: Any - Jazz/Sideswipe - "he will destroy you if he has the chance"
Warnings: Off screen violence
Disclaimer: Not mine, I just took them out to play. Hasbro can have them back when I'm done. ;-)
Authors Notes: I laughed out loud when I got the prompt. Just struck me as very funny since this is my OTP and with the head canon I have with Sideswipe. Loosely based on that head canon.

Jazz sat by the medical berth, silent and still, like the berth's occupant. It was unusual for either of them to be both unmoving and quiet; both were better known for their lively, restless natures.

It was inevitable that their paths crossed…

Inevitable that they were drawn to one another, two bright sparks that eclipsed all others.

Inevitable that they ended up together.

Jazz stirred from his vigil, finally succumbing to the longing to touch, the need for contact. Ebony fingers entwined primer grey ones, gently squeezing, embracing without looking. He couldn't bear to look, to see the dull primer instead of the glossy midnight that normally caressed the strong, graceful digits.

Lifting the limp hand, he tenderly placed a kiss on each fingertip and cradled the palm to his cheek.

"I warned you," he whispered. "Told you he'd destroy you if he has the chance."


"Sideswipe! You're awake!" Jazz jumped to his feet to lean over the berth.

Tired blue optics blinked at him, attempting to focus. "What hit me? I feel like someone taught the Dinobots to break-dance and they used me as the floor."

"Close." Jazz sat on the edge of the berth and gazed into his lover's face. "Sideswipe, I told you that Megatron figured it out. He knows who you used to be, before the war. Last battle, he ignored Prime completely and went straight for you. The looks on his officers' faceplates would have been hilarious if he hadn't been trying to tear you apart at the time. Prime barely got there in time to keep him from killing you."

"I don't remember that. Why don't I remember?" Sideswipe scrunched his brow in confusion.

"Ratchet said you might have some short term memory problems. Too much damage in too short a time span. Memory functions can't handle the trauma and crash." Jazz stroked the side of Sideswipe's helm. "It was too close Sides. You almost joined the Well."

"I didn't. I'm still here." Sideswipe reached up to touch Jazz's face, only to freeze and stare at his arm when he caught sight of his grey plating.

"Ratchet had a Pit of a time piecing you back together." Jazz grimly answered the unspoken question.

"Jazz, if Megatron knows who I was, what do I do now?" Sideswipe lowered his arm and turned worried optics to him.

"I don't know Sides. We both know he'll destroy you if he has the chance. "

PS - Hey Mods? Can I get an Author's Tag? Thanks.

format: fanfiction, rated: pg 13/t, author: tiamat1972, sideswipe, challenge: oct 2013 trick or treat promp, continuity: alternate universe, jazz, continuity: g1, continuity: bay movies

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