Near Miss, a TF G1 fic

Feb 20, 2013 01:37

Title: Near Miss
Universe: G1
Rating: PG13
Prompt: aftermath
Characters/Pairing: Bumblebee, Perceptor, Jazz, Mirage, Enemy, Bumblebee/Perceptor
Content Advisory: mild blood and guts, mild language, implied character death
Notes: for tf_rare_pairing's New Beginnings (2013) Challenge.

Bumblebee stepped into Perceptor's workroom with a cheerful smile. "Morning, Perceptor! Jazz was wondering if you still needed his..."

The minibot trailed off as he realized the tall scientist was nowhere to be seen and that the smell of smoke was heavy in the air. In Wheeljack's workshop, he might not have worried right away, but Perceptor rarely worked with explosives--and never in his unshielded personal workroom. "Perceptor? Everything okay?"

Bumblebee walked further into the workroom, activating all of his sensors and reaching for the dagger hidden in his subspace. The smoke grew thicker as he moved into the room, concentrating in a thin wisp he could see rising up from the scientist's computer station. The computer was nothing more than a pile of slag and the desk warped and bubbled from the heat. Faintly, he thought that he could also smell energon under the smoke.

"Perceptor!" The minibot stepped around the table and flinched inwardly. Perceptor--sweet, gentle Perceptor--was laying on the floor in a pool of his own fluids. The red mech's midsection was mostly gone, exploded into bits of shrapnel that littered the floor or melted like the computer. Beumblebee hadn't seen damage like this in a long time time, but he knew what caused it.

The scout opened a comm line to medbay as he dropped down next to the wounded mech. "Ratchet get to Perceptor's workroom with a life support cart ASAP. Someone bombed him."

"A bomb? That's impossible! Red Alert would have know someone was in the base."

"We can argue about it when Percey's not dying. Just get here." Bee reached into his subspace again, trading his dagger for his emergency medical kit.

With steady hands that refused to betray the fear for his friend, and sometime lover's life that was welling up in his spark, the minibot began sealing off the fluid lines that had been torn by the blast. The biggest threat to Perceptor's life right now was critical fluid loss, unless his spark or laser core had been breached. And even if they had been, there was nothing Bee could do here.

He worked quickly enough that he had the torn lines sealed shut before Ratchet arrived. It wasn't an elegant job, but it would keep the scientist's remaining fluids inside him where they belonged. He reached for Perceptor's hand when he was finished and gripped it firmly.

"Hang in there, Perce. Ratchet's on his way."

Perceptor's fingers twitched in his grasp.


Bumblebee waited in the medical bay with his dagger close at hand as Ratchet carefully salvaged and repaired Perceptor's internals. All of the medic's work was focused on simply keeping the scientist alive for the time being--reataching and repairing his legs would wait for later. Bumblebee's work involved,making sure the Decepticons wouldn't get a second chance to attempt assassination.

Blaster's cassettes were doing the same in the ventilation system and Mirage and Jazz lay in wait at the Ark's most vulnerable entry points. Red Alert, after a mini-meltdown at the severity of the security breach, was combing through every line of code he had written for the Ark and Ironhide was scouring every frame of the recorded security footage from the workroom.

They would find their security weakness, identify the Decepticon assassin and make him pay.



The minibot jerked awake at the sound of Perceptor's voice. He had refused to leave the scientist's side until he woke, but Ratchet had threatened to sedate him if he didn't rest. They had compromised on having Sideswipe in the room keeping watch while Bumblebee napped on a cot. When he looked over to see Perceptor's optics lit and turned toward him, he knew it had been the right choice.

"Hey, Perce." Bee slid off his cot and crossed the room. He took the larger mech's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. "How you feeling?"

"As if i had been bisected by a contained explosive device and then reassembled only half way." Perceptor gave him a weak smile. "How angry was Ratchet?"

"Not nearly as angry as Red Alert. He was ready to stage an all out assault on the Victory when he saw what Enemy did to his security routines." The scout chuckled. "Optimus was almost ready to let him, too."

"And you, Bumblebee?" Perceptor squeezed his hand, offering comfort as much as receiving it.

"I was afraid I was gonna lose you." Bumblebee leaned over and hugged his friend. "And the longer Ratchet worked, the more afraid I was. If i hadn't come in when I did, you would have bled out and we wouldn't have known for hours."

"But you did come in, an event which I shall forever be grateful for." Perceptor rested a shaky hand on the yellow mech's back. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Bumblebee stretched up and kissed the scientist softly. "Rest more. We'll be here when you wake up."

"Promise me that you'll do nothing foolish while I self-repair." The red mech's demand was accompanied by as strong a squeeze as he could manage. "I do not wish to wake and find I have lost you."

"I promise. Nothing foolish until you're fully repaired."

"Very well, then." Perceptor wrapped his free arm around the minibot and held him close.

Bumblebe listened as his primary systems cycled down into standby and sighed as self-repair systems cyled up to fill the noise. He relaxed in increments as his processor accepted that his beloved friend was alive and would be all right. He snugled down against he larger mech's frame, careful of the fresh welds, and allowed himself to be lulled into recharge by the familiar sound of Perceptor's sparkpulse.

Sideswipe watched them from the corner with a small smile.


The cassettecon ran.

He knew that damn invisible Autobot was chasing him, but he didn't know how close he was. Jazz had herded him into Mirage's clutches so skillfully he almost hadn't gotten away, but he'd managed and then he had just run. Escape was more important than knowing where he was right now; he could meet up with Soundwave after he was away from the crazy Autobots.

He slammed into a bright yellow chest plate with a squawk and a loud clang.

Enemy tried to recoil, but Bumblebee grabbed him by the head and put a sharp looking dagger to his neck.

"Hiya, Enemy." The minibot's smile was full of hate and promised serious pain. "You've been a bad boy since you got here."

format: fanfiction, perceptor, bumblebee, challenge: new beginnings 2013, rated: pg 13/t, continuity: g1, author: eerian_sadow

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