Weekly Request Response - You Treat Me Like A Stranger

Dec 30, 2012 18:49

TITLE:  You Treat Me Like A Stranger



SUMMARY:  I tell you, when two bots in a relationship call it off, everyone wants to know what the ‘weaker’ bot has to say about it.  The ‘weaker’ bot being the ‘victim’ of the one that called it quits.  Everyone wants to know what their feelings are about it.  No one thinks that the one that called it quits ended it for a reason.

INSPIRED BY:  TFRarePairing’s Weekly Request Prompt

PROMPT:  Powerglide/Moonracer - We are never, ever, ever getting back together

You know, I’ve had my share of relationships.  Not just the one with…..her.

I’ve seen them in action.  And I tell you, when two bots in a relationship call it off, everyone wants to know what the ‘weaker’ bot has to say about it.  The ‘weaker’ bot being the ‘victim’ of the one that called it quits.  Everyone wants to know what their feelings are about it.  How they’re handling being single. All the slag they’ve got on their ex.

No one EVER considers what the ‘dumper’ thinks, what they think, how they’re handling being single.

And, to be honest, I, being the ‘dumper’, I’m doing pretty good.  I don’t feel horrible, despite me being in the wrong.  None of the ‘I regret this, I regret that’ stuff I did in the past, when she and I were on-and-off.  I think I got tired of it all.  So did she.

I….well, I know why she didn’t try to fix our relationship this time around.  Didn’t persist and ask what she did wrong.

Because I…..I was the one that screwed her over.

What other bots will tell you is that I up and went and cheated on her.  With a fleshie.  And, by the definition of some bots, not a very impressive, or even helpful, human.  That was never my intention.

At first.

At first, I was just being nice to Astoria.  But as time went by, well, I remembered.  What it was like to actively be with someone.  To just spend time, go on crazy rides, have your date be impressed when you do the gravity-defying stunts I’m infamous for. 
And then, then, after that one day at the amusement park and the hug she gave me, I found that I wanted more.

At that extremely inconvenient moment, Elita-1 and her femmes found us one Earth and landed.  I met up with Moonracer, and she….Primus, she was so happy to see me then.  I was such a coward then.  I hugged her back out of guilt.

Primus, how stupid was I?

She did leave with the rest of her girls, and after some of the craziness between Autobots and Decepticons died down a little, she and her girls reunited with us a second time.

And that’s when it all began.  This.  All this.

The whole breakup thing was pretty quick and painless, the way I would’ve been okay with.

It’s the aftermath that I’m hating.

She simply ignores me now.  Was I that much to her?  Was I truly nothing to her?  Not enough for her to be angry every time she saw my faceplates, passing in the hallways?

Maybe she’s just happier now.  And I’m okay with that.  Astoria’s not as bad as everyone think’s she is.

Rumor has it that she has a new mech.  Or that she’s gonna have one.  Names are thrown around like shrapnel from Wheeljack’s explosions.  Mirage.  Sideswipe.  Perceptor.  She has my blessing if she gets together with any one of them.

That is, if she’ll even let me give her my congrats.

She changed everything.  Her frequency line.  Where she recharges.  What, did she ask her friends to collect her records and destroy them?

How dare she.  Treat our relationship as if I loved being rough to her.  Act as if it didn’t teach her a thing or two.  Make it like it never happened.

So, you know what, Moonracer?  I know how much you love having everyone take your side, and I hope you’re happy with that.  I hope we won’t have to go through this insanity ever again.  I hope you find another mech that treats you better than I did.

Oh, and, overused as it sounds, I’m gonna bounce your own words back to you.

We are never, ever, ever getting back together


Hey guys!!!

My internet is down at my house, hence my very short author’s notes.  For both my stories.  I’m at a local Starbucks right now, mooching off their Wi-Fi, but alas, I don’t live here.  So……..I can only leave you with a request to leave some comments, questions, anything like that.

If you want to snarkily comment on the title, let ‘er rip in a comment below.  Just no ‘how uncreative’ flames, or anything like that.  I know.  :(


author: indigo_gale, moonracer, weekly request response, continuity: g1, powerglide, rated: pg/k+

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