Fic - And Bridges Burned

Oct 09, 2012 21:24

Title: And Bridges Burned
Author: dracoqueen22
Universe: Transformers: Prime, season two, post-Armada and then the timeline gets... fuzzy
Characters: RatchetxStarscream, Autobot Ensemble
Rating: T
Warnings: Angst, spoilers for season two, language
Description: Sequel to Line in the Sand. Starscream contacts Ratchet again, and a choice must be made.

For the Fall Challenge. I've always thought the lyrics for “Criminal,” by Britney Spears is apt for this pairing, especially in relation to Starscream and it resonates well with this pair of oneshots.

continuity: tf prime, challenge: fall 2012 dual prompts, ratchet, rated: pg 13/t, author: dracoqueen22, starscream, optimus prime

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