Last Week's fills and it looks like we're off to a great start!
dracoqueen22 Mirror, Mirror G1: Bluestreak/Sunstreaker M
niyazi_a Recuperation IDW First Aid/Drift NC-17
wildernessfan Family G1 no pairing PG
This Week's Prompts!
Ironhide/Dino--back to basics
Beast Wars
Megatron/Ravage: Not my lord
Cheetor/Rhinox: Teach me
Airrazor/Tigatron/Cheetor--Cats are social animals. Sort of.
Skyfire/Perceptor: "For... science. Yes."
Starscream/Ratchet - This needs to stop
Jazz/Grimlock - Chorus line
Thundercracker/Hook: aerial arrogance
Vortex/Megatron: yeah, about that....
Drift/Red Alert - Look out, he's smiling!
Perceptor/Kup--last betrayal
Sunstreaker/Blurr - I'm tired of waiting.
Sunstreaker/Drift - You're too happy.
Blurr/Piston: flirting through Simultronics
Thundercracker/Arcee- "Strange tendencies"
Sideswipe/Rung- "Impossibility"
Shattered Glass
Optimus Prime/First Aid: Trust must be enforced
Ricochet/Perceptor: bad science
Soundwave/Starscream: Gotta loosen up!
Lockdown/Jazz--chains and cuffs
Optimus Prime/Blackarachnia--sink your fangs in and drink deep
Megatron/Lugnut: "Obsessive devotion."
I have a few prompts kept in reserve for next time but please don't be shy! We could always use more: