Title: Predatory Advances
Series: G1
Prompt: Prowl/Ratchet - Predatory
Rating: M
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Prowl/Ratchet
Word Count: 651
Summary: Sometimes a mech just needs some surprise intimacy after a bad day.
Disclaimer: Transformers belong to Hasbro and Takara, and are licensed to IDW and Dreamworks. My original characters are my own and any similarity between them and any existing characters from canon or fandom is purely coincidental. I claim no ownership by writing this work.
Notes: This was written ages ago (back in 2008) in response to a prompt over at the
Random Pairings Generator and I somehow failed to post it anywhere but on the old Transfictions.net. Then after the site went belly up, the fic was lost and forgotten about. Thankfully my wonderful beta kept a copy of it in her email and we were able to retrieve this little ficlet. So, as always, special thanks to
eloquencelost for the help and support.
Predatory Advances (link to my journal)