Fic: Primely Parts Squared (Optimus/Rodimus tentacles, sticky)

Apr 06, 2012 23:56

Primely Parts Squared (1835 words, complete) by
Fandom: G1 AU
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Optimus Prime/Rodimus Prime
Summary: Rodimus stood up and began pacing, gesturing wildly with his hands even as several of his lithe secondaries began waving around him. "What, just trade it back and forth? Flip a coin for who gets weekends and holidays?"

Here you will find: AU, angst, canonwtfery, fluff, tentacles, sticky, schmoopy Prime on Prime action, unbetaed authorial self indulgence.

Also on

hot rod/rodimus prime, author: femme4jack, method: sticky, optimus prime, non-challenge fic

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