March Challange: Tracks/Raoul - "Half Empty, Half Full"

Apr 01, 2012 00:32

Late by 30 minutes. URGH, >_<

Title: Half Empty, Half Full
Pairing: Tracks/Raoul
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.
Prompt: 5. Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure.
Summary: In which Tracks ponders how two cases of Bad Luck somehow equals Good Fortune. Takes place during/after "Make Tracks".
Author's Notes: For the "Rumi Poetry" challenge. And it's late, because it's waaaaaaaaay fragging longer than I planned on it being. Also, this is unbetad. Kindly let me know about any typo's/errors you may see, thank you!

As far as Tracks was concerned, the entire night had been one big train wreck.

challenge: march 2012 rumi, author: rebecky_mo, format: fanfiction, rated: pg 13/t, tracks, continuity: g1, raoul

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