Tease Jazz/Bumblebee Non-Challenge Fic

Feb 14, 2012 09:32

Title: Tease
Universe: Generation 1.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jazz/Bumblebee
Word Count: 998
Summary: Porn without even a hint of plot.
Warnings: Sticky interfacing.
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers.

Notes: In honour of Valentines Day I thought I'd post this. Enjoy. :D

Jazz shuddered, his circuits burning with lust at the vision dancing before his optics. His engine revved with both desire and exquisite frustration, never had he been tortured so easily or so thoroughly.

The beat of the music seemed to pulse on the same frequency as his spark, sending tingles through him, helped along by the sensual and flirtatious movements of the dancing bot.

He was unable to silence the moan that rose as his torturer swayed his way closer, servos teasingly ghosting along his heated plating. His servos flexed and clenched within the cuffs pinning him to the wall and not for the first time that night he cursed himself for being caught off guard.

He groaned as the caresses ceased and the dance began anew. He wished for nothing more than to reach out and pull the little tease to him, to ravish him and frag him into stasis.

He pulled at his bonds again, gaze never leaving the small bot whose optics were dark with lust, his servos dancing over his own plating as he moved to the beat. Jazz whimpered softly as the servos drifted down to the plating covering the smaller mech's interfacing circuitry, dancing along it before slowly sliding it away.

The small black fingers ghosted over spike and cord, lip platelets parting as his gaze never left Jazz. The saboteurs’ fans increased their pace in a desperate attempt to cool his circuits as he watched a digit vanish into the dripping port. His own interfacing hardware was burning and oh, he had never wanted anything as badly as he wanted that little bot right now.

He whined as he watched the delicious show, the slow teasing movement of the digit within the port, another quickly joining it, stretching, pressing, pleasuring. Jazz squirmed in his chair, panting, tugging uselessly at his bonds again. The smile on the other's faceplate told him exactly how much enjoyment he was getting out of seeing him like this.

The digits slipped from the port as the smaller mech drew closer, leaning over Jazz and pressing his lips to the saboteurs, accepting the lashing glossa with a hint of a smirk.

A shock of pure pleasure had Jazz throwing his helm back with a cry, trembling as the small digits rubbed along his cord in alternating patterns. He hadn't even noticed his interface panel being opened. Glowing optics gazed up at him, drawing him in as the smaller mech slid slowly down his frame.

Jazz panted, trembling in anticipation as a small glossa slipped out to tease the tip of his quivering spike. Jazz bucked weakly into the light touch his cooling fans whining. He moaned as the other bot gave the connector pins in the tip of his spike a good strong suck, the small bot smiling at the sounds the move drew from the black and white mech.

One servo continued to pump the stiff cord slowly as the small bot straightened and slipped easily onto Jazz's lap, optics glowing into the deep blue visor.

Rising up slightly, a small black servo positioned the black and white cord at his entrance, lubricant dripping onto the pressurised length. Jazz moaned as he felt his spike press past the flexible platelets into the tight, wet and heated port. His engine revved as the other mech lowered himself, a soft shuddering moan escaping him as the spike breached him.

The smaller mech paused for a moment, shuddering before he leant forward, lacing his fingers with Jazz's and then with the smallest hint of a smirk he rose up and slammed back down.

Jazz gasped as his spike slid further within that delicious heat, moaning as the port clenched tightly around his cord, massaging it as the other mech rose slowly only to relax and slam back down again.

Jazz was quickly driven to the edge; the breems of being worked into a state of helpless lust meant his charge was already on edge. His hips jerked up to meet the smaller mech's and he connected, sending a rush of heat and sensation through to his lover who jerked and clenched around his cord, moaning.

The other didn’t allow him to take control even now, and so Jazz found himself overwhelmed. A number of strong spark pulses sent through the connection in quick succession was all it took to send Jazz spiraling into overload, his servos gripping the smaller ones tightly as he threw his helm back with a cry, hearing the other mech choke back their own cry as they buried their faceplate into his neck, trembling in the wake of their own overload.

As the pleasure slowly began to recede Jazz nuzzled into the small helm resting against his own, smiling as it lifted and a gentle lingering kiss was pressed to his lips. The smaller bot pulled back to smile after a long moment.

"Alright?" Jazz smirked at the slightly breathless question, thumbs gently rubbing the servos still in his grip.

"Mm, more than. Where'd ya learn that Bee?" Bumblebee blushed slightly, ducking his helm.

"From watching you mostly." He murmured and Jazz chuckled, smug grin on his faceplate.

"I'll hafta dance for ya more if I get this kinda thing as a reward." Bumblebee giggled, a wicked grin crossing his faceplate.

"Well I did have you at my mercy and I figured I deserved to have some fun, it was too good an opportunity to pass up."

"Primus... I think I’m a bad influence on ya..."

"You complaining?" The minibot gave his superior an arch smile.

"With results like this? Pit no." Bumblebee laughed and rested his helm back onto Jazz's shoulder, enjoying the moment. "You gonna let me free anytime soon?" Bumblebee smirked into the white plating.

"Not a chance... I’m far from done with you." Jazz shuddered at the coy purr as Bumblebee's glossa slipped out to trace along a seam in his shoulder plating.

Bad influence indeed, Jazz thought with a grin.

format: fanfiction, bumblebee, author: mystical maiden, method: sticky, non-challenge fic, continuity: g1, jazz

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