January 2012 Challenge- Through Another's Eyes

Jan 31, 2012 17:37

Title: Visibly Invisible
Universe: Generation 1 (sort of AU)
Pairing: Jazz/Bumblebee
Word Count: 1,973
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: Brief allusions to interfacing.
Summary: Mirage thinks it’s all rather obvious, but then he may not really be in a position to judge.
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers.

AN: Real life has been seriously mean to me this month. Still, despite it all, I managed to get this completed just in time. This hasn't been beta'd so please forgive any mistakes. Sometimes i miss things no matter how many times i read it over.


There have been a number of long standing beliefs among the mechs I am stationed with regarding Jazz’s availability. There are two main groups of belief, the first being that Jazz and Prowl are in a relationship, and have been for quite some time. No conclusive proof of such has been found, and neither mech confirms anything… but neither do they deny it, leading most to believe they are simply not willing to admit to it. The other common belief is that Jazz is a ‘free’ mech, and is open to trying anything and anyone… at least once.

It never ceases to amaze me at how stubbornly an ideal can be clung to once a conclusion has been reached. Despite there not being even a tiny piece of proof to support there being a relationship between Jazz and Prowl, those who have concluded that there is won't even consider another possibility. Not that there is any more evidence to suggest that Jazz is free. Honestly, the debates that arise between parties of each school of thought can be quite heated… and often entertaining, despite the delusions their arguments are based upon.

Unsurprisingly, Jazz finds the whole situation hilarious. I can't fault him really, even beyond his often unusual sense of humour; he has always enjoyed knowing things others don't. In all honesty I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't started the rumours about himself purposefully just to put everyone off from discovering the truth.

The truth, that contrary to what everyone seems to think, he is not free… but it was also not Prowl that held Jazz's spark.

“Jazz? I brought you some energon.” I called softly as I entered the small room leading out to the parapet, pushing my musing aside for a later time.

“Thanks Raj, come on up, I could use some company.” I scoffed slightly as I climbed up to the protected rooftop.

“You wouldn’t be in need of company if you hadn’t hidden yourself away up here again.” I told him wryly as I stopped beside him.

“Prowler tells me it’s illogical ta stand here waiting, says Bee’ll get back just the same whether I’m standing here or not.” Jazz said with a half smirk as he accepted the cube of energon from me. “But when have I ever been logical?”

“Knowing you, never. I’m rather surprised that Prowl hasn’t simply given up on you yet.” Jazz grinned knowingly.

“Nah, he’s too stubborn. You know Prowl, he’ll keep at me until he understands my way of processing and I start becoming predictable to him… or until he brings me into line.” I chuckled lightly.

“I wonder how long it will take him to realise that there is only one way to truly predict and control you.” I mused, barely restraining a grin as Jazz threw me a mockingly reproachful look.

“Don’t be giving away my secrets now Raj. I’ll lose any credibility I have.”

“Jazz, you lost all credibility the moment you allowed Bumblebee to talk you into procuring him those data chips while you were with Prowl on that recruiting mission.” I stated flatly, shaking my helm in disbelief. Jazz pouted slightly.

“Aw c’mon Raj, he was using the optics… can you resist those optics? Really?” I smirked, feeling just a tad smug in knowing that this was in fact a weakness we didn’t share.

“Of course I can, but then I’m not in a long standing relationship with the mech and he generally has few reasons to need to use them on me.” Jazz nudged me in protest at my smug tone. “Besides… Bumblebee only has to smile at you to get you to do whatever he wants and you are well aware of it.” Jazz vented a burst of air, a grin curling at his lip plates.

“Yeah yeah.” He waved me off, relaxing against the wall, his gaze returning to the grounds visible from our position. I examined him for a moment, trying to find the right words to ask a question that I had been wondering about for a time now. I hadn’t asked despite my curiosity, not wishing to risk offending either of my team mates.

“Just ask Raj.” Jazz said suddenly, startling me from my thoughts. “Ya’re not gonna find out what ya wanna know if ya don’t.” I grimaced slightly.

“One joor I will learn how to read a mech as easily as you do.” Jazz grinned.

“Practice Raj, it’s all practice. But ask the question.”

“Not that it is the business of anyone, but why do you both insist on hiding your relationship?” Jazz tilted his helm, gazing at me curiously before he shrugged slightly.

“Not the question I was expecting… this been on your processor for a while?” I nodded, I had been wondering on and off for a long time now.

“I wondered if it was due to your position but then… there are other officers who are in relationships who are open about it.” Jazz nodded.

“It’s not ‘cause I’m an officer, in fact it’s got nothin’ ta do with rank at all. I’ve been with Bee since before I was made Third anyway.” A slight frown crossed Jazz’s faceplate. “To be honest Raj… we started out as a casual thing, just a chance to have some fun with a friend. Then as things got more intense we sort of stuck together, became a comfort and before I knew it, we were just… us.”

“We’d kept it all quiet since there’d been a lot of fear early on. I’m sure ya’ve heard stories about the double agents and manipulations that went on in the first vorn. Well, we didn’t want ta give anyone anything ta use against us, so we were real discreet.” Jazz grinned suddenly. “It helped that we shared quarters back then.”

“Really?” I asked, surprised at which Jazz laughed.

“I only got my own quarters when I was promoted. Before that, I may have been Head of Ops, but I wasn’t an officer… more a team leader I guess. Bee’s been on my personal team since the start… so it made sense for us to room together.” He paused before laughing. “I'll hafta tell ya the story of how I recruited him one joor, I think you'd appreciate it." He trailed off.

“You know… I’m not sure why we keep quiet even now. Maybe ‘cause it’s nobots business, or ‘cause we don’t need the attention… maybe it’s just a habit. I kinda like it this way though, not having ta deal with anyone asking for details or judging us. I like the fact we don’t feel like we need to tell everyone for what we have to be real.” He shrugged again, falling silent and turning his attention to the cube in his grasp.

I said nothing, considering his explanation instead. There were many varying relationships amongst those stationed here permanently, but if I were to make a comparison with any of them… Jazz and Bumblebee acted more like the known bonded pairs than they did the more ‘casual’ pairs.

Perhaps it was the length of time they’d been together and the depth of familiarity between them that allowed them to be so comfortable in themselves. Hadn’t I come across the pair in very similar situations as I had Ironhide and Chromia, or even on occasion Optimus and Elita One? Though admittedly none of them were aware of my passing, my electro disruptor truly was useful at times, especially in avoiding potentially embarrassing situations.

The one thing the bonded had in common was that they didn’t flaunt their relationships. They didn’t deny them or hesitate to speak of them, but it was not something they advertised to everyone in the vicinity. Many of those who were ‘casual partners’ seemed to want others to know about it, as if it wasn’t a fact until everyone was talking about it…

The soft sound of a pede fall suddenly drew my attention, bringing me snapping from my musing as I spun to face the direction to sound had come from. I shifted carefully, moving further back into shelter, feeling Jazz do the same beside me. I boosted my auditory sensors for any hint of further sound even as my optics scanned my surroundings for anything out of place.

Did ya tell anyone you were comin’ up here? Jazz asked quickly.


“Are you two being anti-social again?” A familiar voice called from the entrance to the roof. My optics widened in shock even as my grinning teammate stepped out, his optics almost dancing with suppressed laughter.

“How did you…?” I began, only to be cut off as Jazz slipped past me to grab his lover up into a kiss. I smiled faintly, leaning against the wall and glancing away over the rooftops to give them at least a semblance of privacy as they re-united, it had been an orn since they last saw one another after all.

“When did you get back you little sneak?” Jazz demanded once he’d apparently deemed he’d greeted his lover well enough for the moment. I turned back, curious to hear Bumblebee’s response myself.

“About a breem ago.” Bumblebee admitted with a slight grin. “I came straight here since I knew you’d be up here.”

“How did we miss that?” I wondered aloud, casting my optics over the parapet towards the grounds.

“I took the back way.” Came Bumblebee’s knowing reply.

“Why’d ya do that?” Jazz complained. “Ya knew I’d be up here watching for ya.” Bumblebee smiled, leaning into Jazz’s side.

“Because I wanted to surprise you.” He said lightly, his optics wide and guileless. “Didn’t you like your surprise?” I held back a laugh as Jazz visibly crumbled, any irritation he may have had at Bumblebee’s trick vanishing as it always did when Bumblebee gave him that look.

“That’s sneaky Bee. But yes, I liked my surprise… you’re always the best surprise.” Jazz stated, flicking one of the small yellow horns on Bumblebee’s helm before twirling his finger around it. Bumblebee hummed softly as Jazz’s other arm pulled him more firmly against him.

“About time we had a post mission brief I think.” Jazz drawled, ignoring Bumblebee’s disbelieving laugh as he began ushering the small mech toward the door.

“You’re right, it was a very informative mission.” Bumblebee said lightly. “I’ll have to give you a rather detailed report. It may take a while.” He threw a grin at me as I chuckled at Jazz’s disbelieving look. “See you later on Raj.” Bumblebee waved before they vanished through the door. A moment later, Jazz’s helm poked back outside.

“Oh and Raj, if anyone asks… I’m working on a Code Gold and am not to be disturbed outside of an emergency until I’m good and done.” With a wicked grin, Jazz vanished after Bumblebee leaving me alone on the roof chuckling to myself.

I knew that would be the last I saw of either of them for the rest of the joor, and quite possibly half of the next one. Bumblebee wouldn’t be retiring to our shared quarters to recharge… he never did after a mission… or whenever he could get away with recharging with Jazz really.

Not that Jazz wasn’t prone to simply stealing Bumblebee away at odd moments when he decided he wanted him to himself for a while. All Jazz had to do was throw out the term “Code Gold” and mechs were sure it was Ops related. Primus wouldn’t they melt their processors if they realised that Code Gold stood for ‘alone time’ with Bumblebee.

I shook my helm wryly as I turned to make my way back into the main parts of the base. If you knew where to look, the truth was so glaringly obvious it was almost neon. Yet there were mechs who were still positive Jazz was with Prowl… honestly.

mirage, format: fanfiction, rated: pg 13/t, challenge: jan 2012 through anothers eye, author: mystical maiden, bumblebee, jazz, continuity: g1

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