Title: Plight of the Official Observer
Continuity: G1, Season 3, Decepticam AU
Rating: R
Contains: non-explicit sticky smut, licking, voyeurism (kind of).
ayngelcat <3
Characters and/or pairings: Vortex/Blot, with a side order of Vortex/Swindle, and Sixshot/Onslaught/Vortex for dessert.
Summary: part 3 of
Playing with Terrorcons. Sixshot is fed up with Blot following him around, so Hun-Grrr makes a deal with Vortex (and Swindle by extension) for Vortex to interface with Blot in the hope it'll settle him down. Swindle gets to watch, whether he likes it or not.
Notes: For the
tf-rare-pairing 'Through another's eyes' January Challenge.
Blot smells horrible, but how does he taste?