Fic: Consort 7 - Summons (multicontinuity based AU, Optimus Prime/Mirage/Jazz)

Oct 15, 2011 19:47

Consort 7 - Summons by
femme4jack  (posted on Ao3)
Rating: NC-17
Continuity: AU Multi-continuity Fusion Madness (in other words I’m picking and choosing stuff I like and totally making slag up).
Characters & Pairings: Optimus Prime x Mirage x Jazz
Summary: Optimus arranges a surprise for his bonded.

Chapter Warnings: 5400+ words of totally self-indulgent PWP consort!smut. Mech/mech/mech sticky smut, oral, PnP, spark, DOM/sub.

Also can be read on

method: spark, method: pnp, mirage, rated: nc17/ma, author: femme4jack, method: sticky, non-challenge fic, optimus prime, jazz

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