Fic: Consort 5 - Bonding (multicontinuity based AU, Optimus Prime/Mirage)

Oct 02, 2011 18:18

Consort 5 - Bonding by
Rating: R
Continuity: AU Multi-continuity Fusion Madness (in other words I’m picking and choosing stuff I like and totally making slag up)
Characters & Pairings: Optimus Prime x Mirage, Ratchet
Summary:You remember when I said there would be eventual fluff? Well, this is it. I just can't stay in a dark space for long, and goodness, Prime is lucky to have Mirage (and I'm pretty sure the opposite is true as well).

Chapter Warnings: Smut (mech/mech spark),  explicit fantasies (mech/multi sticky), references prior valve injury, fluff that might border on cheese

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method: spark, mirage, author: femme4jack, method: sticky, optimus prime, non-challenge fic

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