Death Today (weekly challenge entry)

Sep 25, 2011 00:00

Title: Death Today
Prompt: Darkness Inside
Continuity: G1
Rating: pg-13/t
Characters & Pairings: Optimus Prime/Jazz
Warnings: Character death, canon incontinuity, not very good writing
Notes: I had a lot of fun writing this, but generally I'm a very dark person. Mentions of 9/11 and the human race being killed. Sociopathic-Jazz. Oh and I use 'the last time' and 'last time' faaar too often. NOT BETAED and pretty rushed. :D Now nobody'll read this. XD

Humans killed each other today, like they do every day, but today was different. People from many nations died, the towers fell today, a nation mourns and Optimus Prime mourns with them. Mourns for every human lost, as if each loss is a personal one to him.

Jazz doesn't understand. Sure he likes the humans but he manages to keep an emotional distance from them. They live for so short a time and often die early due to accidents, illness, or murder. It just doesn't make much sense to get so attached to such fragile animals.

Jazz doesn't know why they stay on this planet either. They've had a ship built and ready to go 50 years now. The Decepticons have already left in their ship. Patience was never Megatron's strong suit even for his long hated enemy. He'd noticed, Jazz thought, how stagnated in personal grief the Prime had become. And had likely (and almost rightfully) thought the war won, or at least turned deeply in his favor. It was obvious that the war didn't matter much to the Prime anymore, nor Cybertron, his rightful home. Earth was his home now, and it was killing him, just as humans killed themselves. It was a passive spiritual death and indeed each time Jazz and Optimus merged the Prime's presence felt weaker and weaker until he no longer actively participated in the merge. He didn't pass Jazz's barriers now, never became one with his thoughts and submits completely to Jazz's searches for a hint of life, vigor, only to find none.

Jazz knew he had to do something about this, and soon, Optimus was getting weaker every day and Jazz knew that he would die soon if nothing was done.

When Jazz hacked into the world's security systems (much much too easily) and released all secured bio-weapons he knew what he was doing. And as the last human breathed her last breath in a hospital in china Optimus Prime awoke.

During their last merge (Jazz knew it was the last, there was no hiding what he'd done from a fully-focused Prime.) Optimus' presence swept into Jazz's mind with all the force of a tsunami. He came to a halt when he found Jazz's memories and shrieked in his mind-voice, fully cybertronian, no hint of the destructive english left. Optimus broke their bond leaving Jazz keening in the berth though he had known that this was the least of what would happen.

Jazz watched Optimus retrieve his rifle from his weapons-rack. He watched as Optimus leaned over him one last time, a kiss of air on his lips. 'Thank you.' in a thick cyber-dock accented voice and Jazz's optics opened wide as he realized-

The shot tore through his spark exploding his world into fragments of static, color, and light and then, just black. 'Welcome back' Jazz thought, one last time.

author: bruised_skin, rated: pg 13/t, optimus prime, orion pax, weekly request response, continuity: g1, jazz

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