ETA now posted
on my journal because Ao3 is having issues.
Consort - Prologue (1862 words) by
femme4jack (Posted on Ao3)
Rating: R
Continuity: AU Fusion of G1 - Bayverse - Aligned Continuity Family (TF Prime, Exodus, etc) - IDW (in other words I’m picking and choosing stuff I like and making things up)
Characters: Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide, Mirage, future chapters Optimus Prime/Mirage
Summary: The Matrix of Leadership contained the wisdom of all the ages. It was also cruel.
Notes: Prologue for story being written for White Aster for her winning bid on the Help Somalia Auction on livejournal. At White Aster’s request, this story will hold some elements in common with
Claiming the Dark Singer, a WIP on hiatus I coauthored with Gatekat (current story is not the same storyverse as that WIP). White Aster wanted a Prime who struggles with desires that in another age would have been his right, claiming Mirage as a consort.
Warnings: Story will contain violence, dubcon elements, smut (mech/mech sticky, tactile, field, spark), dreams with very dark themes (snuff,noncon, violence), and eventually, fluff :)
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