The Real Endgame

Sep 07, 2009 23:25

Title: The Real Endgame
By: mmouse15
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: spark sex, fluff
'Verse: TFA
Characters: Ratchet, Omega Supreme

This is for the September 2009 'Missing scenes' on tf_rare_pairing.

Pairing Wanted: Ratchet/Omega Supreme
Rating Wanted: Don't really care for this one.
What missing scene do you want to see? At the end of the third season, after they've defeated the Lugnut Supremes, Ratchet and Omega finally get to catch up and confess their love to one another.
Three things you want in your story: Nervousness from both of them. It should be pretty obvious that neither of them are all that experienced in this sort of thing. If it gets to a higher rating then spark play rather than anything else would be great.
Three things you do NOT want in your story: Pretty much anything is fine for this one.

I'm really sorry this show is over. I really enjoyed it.

method: spark, omega supreme, continuity: animated, ratchet, rated: pg 13/t, author: mmouse15

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