August Challenge Fic: Choose the Form of the Destructor (TF Prime Optimus/Bulkhead, crack, sticky)

Sep 01, 2011 13:04

Title: Choose the Form of the Destructor
Author: Femme4jack
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: TF-Prime
Pairing: Optimus Prime/Bulkhead
Warnings: Crackfic. References "sticky" bot parts
Summary: Bulkhead accidentally chooses New York City's doom

Notes: Late submission to the tf_rare_pairing August challenge. I chose the 1984 Movie "Ghostbusters", and if you haven't seen the film, this crack will probably not make any sense. And...I didn't get enough sleep last night. That is my excuse. I picked Ghostbusters because it is one of the funniest movies of all time, and because Ernie Hudson, Agent Fowlers's voice actor, played the role of Winston Zeddmore, the 4th Ghostbuster (a fact that was the source of endless amusement to the VAs at the TF Prime panel at Botcon). Not that Agent Fowler appears in this, Fowler and Bulkhead's VAs mixed up in my head. And I'm sorry if the formatting is horrible. I will fix when LJ is working.

"Optimus, when someone asks if you are a god, you say YES!" (fake cut is fake)

Mods, may we please have a Bulkhead tag? Thanks

continuity: tf prime, author: femme4jack, rated: pg 13/t, challenge: aug 2011 flashback fever, optimus prime, bulkhead

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