Forever One

Aug 23, 2011 01:00

Title: Forever One (part of the song drabbles)

Character(s)/Pairing(s): SoundwaveXBlaster

Rating: T

Warning: talk of spark merge, slash, character death

Summary: Song-fic. Soundwave and Blaster find that their love would never be accepted by their comrades. Inspired by the song Magnet by VOCALOID (song is about forbidden love)

Author Notes: First time posting here! I hope I got all the tags and everything right! This is a piece I wrote last year on FFNet.

 'Hold me tight, there's no returning after this' 'But that is fine with me, nobody comes close, my most precious butterfly'

format: fanfiction, author: renegadewriter8, soundwave, rated: pg 13/t, continuity: g1, blaster

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