Aug 19, 2011 23:46

apparently, LJ has borked something up again and some users are being banned from communities who have committed no violations of the rules and done nothing else to deserve being banned.

this has not been done by your community mods! if you were banned at any point this week, i apologize profusely! it should not have happened and was entirely LJ's fault.

i have gone through the ban/unban page and made certain that only people who were supposed to be banned from the community were on the list. anyone else appearing there should have been unbanned about ten minutes ago.

in the future, if you are told by Livejournal that you have been banned from this community, but were not informed of it by one of the mods before hand, contact a mod immediately. if you were banned with no warnings and no notification from your mod team, this is an error and will be fixed immediately.

thank you for your attention! now back to the fandom fun!

topic: public service announcement, topic: mod post

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