5 fics here :)

Aug 01, 2011 03:10

Hi there :)
5 fics, I hope they're still rare pairings. If not, dear mods, please poke me and I delete the common-pairing fic. :)
And sorry that I didn't put them under a cut. I'll do as soon as LJ will let me. v.v

Title: Right Place, Right Time
Continuity: Shattered Glass (Disillusion AU)
Warnings: drug abuse, intoxication, a little violence, implied smut
Pairing: SG!Blades/SG!First Aid
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.
Summary: Blades is bored, and First Aid comes at the right moment.
Prompt: Cruel Intentions (prompted by onyx17)

Title: Foreplay
Continuity: G1
Warnings: PWP, smut (tactile, energy field play with a hint to plug’n’play), dub-con, light bondage
Pairing: Vortex/Breakdown
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.
Summary: Breakdown wakes up with a sensor echo which is nothing of the kind.
Prompt: Restraint (prompted by antepathy)

Title: Bubbly
Continuity: G1
Warnings: comedy, smut (unspecified, so make up what you like better ;) )
Pairing: Wildrider/Dead End
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.
Summary: Sometimes, you should just shut up.

Title: Silence
Continuity: G1
Warnings: hurt/comfort, smut (plug’n’play, tactile)
Pairing: Blades/First Aid
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.
Summary: When Hot Spot isn’t there, Blades feels responsible for the team.
Prompt: Silence (prompted by casusfere)

Title: To The Rescue
Continuity: G1
Warnings: crack, comedy, smutty (tactile, implied plug’n’play)
Pairing: Wheeljack/Sideswipe
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.
Summary: It was either freezing to death, or…
Prompt: Heat (prompted by artemis10002000)

continuity: shattered glass, blades, rated: r/m, method: energy fields, method: tactile, continuity: g1, wheeljack, method: pnp, dead end, rated: pg 13/t, first aid, wildrider, vortex, sideswipe, author: naboru_narluin, breakdown, non-challenge fic

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