18th june challenge response - "Humanity must perforce pray on itself, like monsters of the deep."

Jun 23, 2011 19:34

Title: Change
Rating: PG-13
Series: Bayverse
Pairings: Optimus/Galloway
Words: 397
Warnings: spoilers for DotM prequel “Rising storm”

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Summary: Every human can change but only few are able to look past their first impression to see those changes.

Authors Notes: I had GIGANTIC problem with this prompt but with help of autumnconstance … this was born.  It’s more somber than I expected it to be and while the pairing seems cracky, I’m really happy with it.
Also can I ask for a Galloway tag? Pretty please.

He had been greeted by him with remorse heavy in his words, with regret of what he had done and promise to never doubt them again.

Deep in his healing Spark, the grudge had healed too. He had always forgiven those who apologized.

Humans didn’t.

The events in Egypt, Optimus’ death, subsequent resurection and his people’s, both human and Cybertronian alike, pure determination to fix things had changed Galloway and Optimus could clearly see it.

Humans couldn’t

It was understandable. They were taught from birth to not trust or be hurt; that life was unfair and punished those that had grew too trusting.

Only it wasn’t life that was unfair, it was humans itself that made it this way. Humans that hurt other humans and shaped the world they couldn’t trust with their own lies and misdeeds.

At first Galloway was just like that; he remembered the guy annoying him despite Optimus’ patience.

Now he was truly sorry for the man.

Once humans decided not to trust someone there was no way for them to see beyond the picture of that person they had painted in their heads.

Optimus saw deeper, he couldn’t shunt someone who wanted to finally shape his own life.

And thus he decided to befriend the human, know him, learn him, maybe understand him.

The life proved to be to short for it.

It had taken time, but Optimus’ efforts had the unintetional effect of humans looking at Galloway differently. Optimus’ trust made them look beyond the image of first impression burned in their brains and see someone who had changed; someone that was now not afraid to face the Decepticons.

Someone still conceited and annoying, but now ready to take his own life in his hands and shape it like he wanted.

Not long after that, the attack happened, Galloway dying for those he had once tried to kick away from ‘his’ planet.

Death was peculiar in the way it shattered the pictures humans created of other people and created it’s own.

Being a machine Optimus supposed he, with the other Autobots, would be the only one to actually remember Galloway the way he really was.

And he missed the man deeply, he grieved and regretted every talk that would not happen anymore.

He only started to know the human and, as with all their human allies, he learned to love him.

challenge: june 2011 pair a day, format: fanfiction, rated: pg 13/t, author: aniay, optimus prime, continuity: bay movies, galloway

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