15th june challenge response - Nobody knows

Jun 23, 2011 19:18

Title: Nobody knows
Rating: PG-13
Series: Prime
Pairings: Ratchet/Bee
Words: 190
Warnings: mentioned character almost-death, darkish, angst

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Summary: Ratchet keeps many secrets
Authors Notes: Had to take a break. Especially as two prompts turned big, one being also an answer for tfanonkink prompt, other still in the writings. This one is unbetaed.

Ratchet watched Optimus fade, guilt twisting his insides with the ruthlessness of a Decepticon interrogator.

He had failed, they all had, but he was the one guilty.

He wanted to save Optimus, but only managed to place him in stasis, now closed in a pod the machines keeping their leader alive, keeping the hope alive.

Ratchet jumped up as a hand was placed on his hip and mournful warble came out from Bee's vocalizer.

"I know, Bee, I know; We all miss him."

Ratchet hugged the yellow scout and Bee cooed comfortingly extending his EM field to stroke over Ratchet's overtaxed systems and circuits."

The younger bot was a treasure to have by his side, Ratchet mused; In this great tragedy he gave the support that no older mech could ever give, the support of youth and trust.

Yet, not even Optimus had known. Ratchet didn't like to flounder his relationships around, but he should have told his best friend. Now it was too late.

Bumblebee felt his field wavering in distress and stroked his shoulder.

"Yes, everything will be okay”, Ratchet said not really believing his words.

Nobody knew.

continuity: tf prime, challenge: june 2011 pair a day, format: fanfiction, ratchet, bumblebee, rated: pg 13/t, author: aniay

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