14th june challenge response - So much that I wanna do/When I dream I'm alone with you

Jun 14, 2011 19:02

Title: In the safety of my processor.
Rating: R
Series: Prime
Pairings: Knock Out/Optimus
Words: 341
Warnings: Sticky ideas some d/s imagery
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Summary: Optimus likes to fantasise in the safety of his processor
Authors Notes: GAH. Not even half as hot as the other fills for this one but I still hope you'll like. Unbetaed again.  Oh and I do own the rest of the lyrics. Came up with it myself. Don't mind the crapiness  - not a lyrics writer :P

In the safety of my processor

So much that I want to do when I dream I'm alone with you
So much that I want to say when I dream you don't turn away.

Optimus listened to the tacky song and hummed along, his processor stuck thinking about one, red mech.

We’re enemies out of my dreams, and lovers within its seems.
If I could kill you ever, would mean you'll be mine forever.

The offhand comment, appreciative look and Optimus found himself dreaming about the red ‘Con, constantly. Drawn to him and attracted.

Whenever they met on the battlefield, it took all of Optimus' concentration not to stare. At those perfectly polished armor, gleaming chassis, luscious curves of artistically chiseled body.

Outside of his dreams he could only hate himself for this new found desire, when within his processor Knock Out was allowed everything and anything he could ever want.

Within his dreams Knock Out was fingering his rims with perfect, skilled hands and Optimus was purring at the attention, his fans going full-time as his body heated up. When he closed his optics he could feel the ghost of imaginary glossa licking the edges of his helmet. He could imagine those sinful mouth sucking on his finials just before Knock Out grabbing him and kissing thoroughly. The imaginary glossa thrust into Optimus' parted mouth, claiming him.

In his dreams he could be bound to the berth and fragged senseless, Knock Out snarling and moaning and calling him drone, and slut... Optimus shivered as the word sounded in his head the taste and connotation completely shameless and so heavy, heating his pleasure centers.

Outside reality he had Knock Out on his mercy, pleasuring him on his knees, hands bound, optics flaring with hate and want.

In his dreams Optimus was free to explore every naughty possibility in existence. In reality he could only watch and crave guiltily storing every fantasy into his memory core for his processor to use it later. For safe place inside his head where he could live them through. 

continuity: tf prime, challenge: june 2011 pair a day, knockout, author: aniay, method: sticky, optimus prime, rated: r/m

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