9th june challenge response - "Well, well, what do we have here?"

Jun 09, 2011 18:13

Title: Carried away.
Rating: PG-13
Series: Prime
Pairings: Knock Out/Soundwave
Words: 216
Warnings: tentacles :D and possibly bit OOC
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Summary:  Megatron finds himself amused with what he finds.
Authors Notes: ^_______________^

Megatron was tempted to laugh. He would if it were anyone else (coughStarscreamcough); oh he would not deny himself the pleasure of laughing at his backstabbing second but this...

“Well, well well; What do we have here?” He intoned, letting the amusement color his voice.

“Lord Megatron,” Knock Out acknowledged, nodding his head despite his humiliating position. He hung upside down, completely entangled in Soundwave’s countless tentacles.

“How has that happened?” Megatron queried.

“An accident, my Lord,” Knock Out explained calmly “Soundwave offered his help in buffing my armor. With his tentacles the process is not only quicker, but also more...”

“And why is your interface cover open?” Megatron interrupted.  Knock Out was babbling in an unusually manner.

“...Did you ever have occasion to experience buffing by tentacles... my lord?”

“No, I have not.” Megatron was intrigued.

“Their unique build makes their tips extremely sensitive and arousing at the same time. The current generated by thousands of sensors sets off ones armor’s tactile net. I got... carried away, sir.”

Megatron eyed Soundwave curiously but the recordicon only stared impassively.

“It still doesn’t explain my question. It baffles me how did you get so... entangled, Knock Out?”

“I decided to return the pleasure.” Knock Out stated simply, which had Soundwave’s replay activating.

“I got... carried away, sir.”

continuity: tf prime, challenge: june 2011 pair a day, megatron, soundwave, rated: pg 13/t, author: aniay, method: sticky, knockout, method: tactile

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