A Final Kiss Goodbye

Jun 07, 2011 22:29

Awww, I was crying when I was writting this small drabble. *sniff and wipes tears* The first time this pairing hinted was in the Episode "Five Faces of Darkness" Part 1 or 2 I can't recall now but it was a really sweet moment where Grimlock grieved for Rodimus.

Written for 8th June "I could not love except where Death mingled with Beauty's breath."~ Edgar Allan Poe on tf_rare_pairing June Challenge

Title: A final Kiss Goodbye
Chapter: Oneshot (drabble)
Fandom: Transformers (G1)
Disclaimer: I do not any of the characters but I do own the plot bunny. Transformers does not belong to me although I wish it did. Pairings: Grimlock/Rodimus
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst and character death 
Summary:  Grimlock discovers Rodimus' dead body and grieves for his friend in a way no Autobot or Decepticon would understand; it was just the way Wheeljack made him.
Word Count: 634


Grimlock sniffed, his emotional processor spiking with sadness and an unknown emotion. Since his creation by Wheeljack many vorns ago; Grimlock had experienced love as an emotion only once and that was when he was still a itty bitty sparkling and Optimus had given him a kiss on the cheek plates.

"Rodimus?" Grimlock asked carefully as he observed his friend's lifeless body on the floor of their shared quarters. In his transformed mode the t-rex was rarely known for finesse so in truth to his character the ground rumbled beneath his feet as he walked forward. His optics carefully observing his friend lifeless on the ground; sniffing gently at Rodimus and then sitting next to his friend. A long time passed and Grimlock refused to move, he laid down next to the one leader he considered worthy of his praise apart from the departed Optimus Prime. A sudden stream of Energon tears started gushing from his blue optics as he fought the emotions that came rushing out of him.

"Why don't Rodimus answer Grimlock?!" The large Autobot yelled frantically; the last time he had seen and experienced the same thing was when Optimus had slipped into the Well of Sparks. Wheeljack had then promised Grimlock that he would never suffer from emotional distress as other Cybertronians but Grimlock knew that was a blatant lie. He had a more sensitive emotional processor than any other Autobot known on Cybertron and he had a really hard time in hiding it. It was only the promise that Grimlock may one day become powerful strong and perhaps a good leader that allowed him to develop the personality he had; seemingly arrogant and distant.

Right now he felt his unstable emotional processor reel with another death of a friend that meant a lot to him. Optimus had once tried to teach him the fine lines of human culture and a single piece of literature stuck in his processor and kept haunting the lonely Dinobot.

'I could not love except where Death mingled with Beauty's breath.' It was true. His creator died, his lover died and now an esteemed leader and friend very close to his own spark died. Laying on the floor in the quarters that Rodimus occupied, surrounded by a pool of his own unprocessed Energon.

"Grimlock... *sniff*.....*hiccup*....say goodbye...now." The Dinobot cried as he prepared to give a last goodbye to his friend and a person who he perhaps admired to the point of wanting him to be a spark mate. Bending down he placed a gentle kiss on Rodimus' helm and lingered there for a moment. Before shifting to his Dino form and laying on his stomach, curled in a ball and sobbed his spark out.

That was how Bumblebee found them and it took a lot of effort to separate Grimlock from Rodimus' body but eventually the large Dinobot moved and disappeared into the far reaches of the Ark and refused to come out for many, many cycles. A last kiss of remembrance and many orns later and still the large Dinobot was still grieving and nothing any Autobot said in comfort helped; Grimlock was never the same again.

Sometimes when the nights were quiet and the Autobots all deep in recharge one could hear the desperate cries and immense sorrow of the Dinobot leader and the faint repetition of words that would break any bot's spark.

"Grimlock could not love unless Death mingled with Rodimus' breath."

"Grimlock could not love unless Death mingled with Optimus' breath..."

"Grimlock could not love unless Death mingled with Wheeljack's breath...."

"Grimlock could not love unless Death mingled with Ratchet's breath...."

So it would carry on until the alert for the next shift and never was another word of happiness murmured by Grimlock; who rarely even spoke these days.



Hope you enjoyed it and please keep a tissue close

hot rod/rodimus prime, challenge: june 2011 pair a day, grimlock, author: snowy way, continuity: g1, rated: pg/k+

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