fic: Of Light Touches and Storage Closets

Jun 05, 2011 21:37

Title: Of Light Touches and Storage Closets
Series: G1
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Prowl, Sideswipe
Summary: Everybody needs some time to relax…PWP with very brief sticky
Author’s Note: For tf_rare_pairing ’s Weekly Request.

“Hey Prowl, have that report you wanted.”

The tactician paused in the corridor and turned to see Sideswipe saunter up next to him.  “Here you go”, the warrior said quietly as he handed Prowl a data pad with his right hand, while his left hand had landed ever so lightly on Prowl’s back, skimming up and over the Datsun’s door wings.  “Later”, the red mech chirped, continuing down the corridor, leaving a slightly twitchy second in command in his wake.

Sideswipe had been at it for almost a full week, and Prowl was drawing close to the end of his tether.  Standing oh so close to him in the rec room.  Brushing his leg against Prowl’s during a staff meeting.  And then there was the innocent leaning on the back of Prowl’s chair in the command center.  Innocent looking, at least.  Sideswipe had managed to surreptitiously wiggle his fingers down and was then massage some very sensitive door hinges.  It was all Prowl could do to keep quiet, although if Blaster’s stifled chuckle next to them was any indication, the air cycling through his intakes made up for it.  And Prowl had had enough.

Later that day, Sideswipe was walking down a corridor, optics glued to the data pad in hand, and didn’t notice until it was too late as a black and white blur bodily shoved him into a storage closet and pinned him against the wall.  The only light in the room was from their optics, and the pair in front of the warrior was narrowed to dangerous slits.

“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?” Prowl trembled slightly as Sideswipe wrapped one arm around his waist, while the other found his leg and brought it up to rest on the larger bot’s hip.

“Took you long enough”, Sideswipe breathed before his mouth found Prowl’s, hungrily devouring.  Prowl’s arms went up to wrap around the back of Sideswipe’s neck, eagerly pressing his body closer.

Sideswipe broke off the kiss to trail light pecks and nips down his neck, eliciting whimpers and hitched intakes.  The warrior looked down to his right and could just make out the form of a crate.  That would do.  He lifted Prowl and pressed him against the wall, placing his straddled leg on the crate to free his arm.   Resuming the kiss, Sideswipe let his hands roam over the other’s frame, the now free hand coming to rest between the sensitive door hinges.  Prowl did not hold back this time and moaned into Sideswipe’s mouth, while his hips arched towards the other bot.  The unoccupied red arm snaked it’s way between their bodies to grab Prowl’s other leg and hold him completely up off the floor.

Prowl had lost himself to sensations, and was unaware of Sideswipe’s panel opening until the warrior’s deft fingers found their way to his own and coaxed it open.

“Sides, we shouldn’t…here…it’s…oh Primus…”, Prowl whimpered as Sideswipe rocked his way, slowly, into the normally stoic mech.

“Not my name, but…I’ll take…as a…a compliment”, was mumbled into the side of Prowl’s neck.


They made their way back to Prowl’s quarters, and once inside, Sideswipe wrapped his arms around his love’s waist from behind and rested his chin on a shoulder.  A chuckle from the warrior caused Prowl to turn his head and quirk an optic ridge at him.  Sideswipe brought a hand up and pointed to the Datsun’s chest.

“You’ve got red on you.”  Prowl looked down and sighed as Sideswipe moved away to the wash room to grab a cleaning cloth and some solvent. The black and white, now with red all over, sat at his computer terminal to read any messages he had.  When Sideswipe returned, he saw Prowl sitting rather rigidly with drooping door wings, staring at the terminal’s monitor.  Bending down he read the note on the screen:

Hey Prowl,

For future reference, storage closets aren’t very sound proof. Just something to think about.  Ratchet and Optimus were both really happy to hear you had found some time to relax, though.

See you at the staff meeting!


sideswipe, rated: nc17/ma, format: fanfiction, author: elven_poet, weekly request response, continuity: g1, prowl

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