June Challenge

May 16, 2011 22:54

okay everyone! we took some time off from challenges for the month of may, because i know how busy so many people get this time of year with Graduations, Finals, Grading Finals, Mother's day, Memorial Day and so on. May's like December: really crazy, but in the spring. that does not, however, mean we're taking the summer off!

so, this is what we're going to do for the month of June.

The Pair a Day Challenge!

yes, not my best title, i know.

step 1: starting today, submit prompts to this post. we'll need a total of thirty prompts, one for each day in June, but more than that will be perfectly okay. even if they end up not being used in the June challenge, they will be recycled into another challenge in the future. your prompt need only be one or two words, or it can be a full sentence, a quotation, song, a picture or anything else you find especially inspirational.

EDITED TO ADD: submission of prompts is not an automatic commitment to the challenge. you may submit prompts here and claim none at all for the main body of the challenge. the reverse is also true. you may claim prompts during the main body of the challenge, even if you did not submit any.

step 2: i will post a list of prompts, with one prompt per day for the month of June, next monday (the 23rd) afternoon. members will then claim a prompt or two and write/art for those prompts with a pairing of their choice. your piece will be due on the day your prompt was assigned to.

step 3: after claiming your prompt(s), write! then post to the community on the due date. the goal is to have at least one rare/non-standard pairing piece written/drawn/rendered/painted/etc for every day in the month of June.

so leave some prompts, y'all!! let's have a blast in June!

challenge: june 2011 pair a day, topic: mod post

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