Fic - Involuntary Celibacy, Onslaught/Vortex

Apr 06, 2011 17:45

Title: Involuntary Celibacy
Continuity: G1 cartoon
Rating: NC-17
Content advice: Explicit consensual sticky robot sex, dom/sub, virgin kink, a little bit rough at one point, crack.
Disclaimer: I don’t think it’s possible to do this for profit…
Characters and/or pairings: Onslaught/Vortex, mention of one-sided Vortex/just about everyone
Summary: Vortex has a bad reputation, and as a consequence is having a serious problem getting laid. Onslaught helps.
Notes: Response to this kinkmeme prompt.

Clicky for the fic!

rated: nc17/ma, author: ultharkitty, method: sticky, non-challenge fic, vortex, onslaught, continuity: g1

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