I'll Be There for You ch. 2 Bluestreak/Jazz

Dec 06, 2010 20:48

Fandom: Transformers Bayverse
Author: gatekat and femme4jack
Pairing: Jazz/Bluestreak
Rating: NC-17 for mech/mech sticky
Codes: Slash, Dub-con, Sticky
Summary: After his double shift, Bluestreak reports to Jazz as ordered.
Notes:  Not part of out main universe, though it's the same Jazz. It should stand alone.  No xeno.
~text~ bond or cable talk
::text:: comm chatter

Fake Cut to Chapter 2

Other Chapters:
Chapter 1: Bluesteak/Starscream
Chapter 3: Bluestreak/Bumblebee - WIP
Chapter 4: Starscream/Bluestreak - WIP

method: pnp, rated: nc17/ma, author: femme4jack, method: sticky, bluestreak, method: tactile, author: gatekat, non-challenge fic, continuity: bay movies, jazz

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