November Challenge

Nov 30, 2010 01:32

Oh My Gods! you guys have been awesome and amazing! your fics have been GREAT and i've enjoyed every of this challenge.

however! i know that at least one person has been having trouble getting their fic out. (it's cool, i know how real life interferes) as a result i've been asked for an extension. so, this is what i'm doing:

Nov. Challenge Amnesty Day!

anyone who missed their deadline or just isn't going to make it by 11:59PM CST today will have one additional chance to post their piece and still qualify for whatever banner primusatemyleg has cooked up for us. so, you will have from now until December 7th to work on your pieces. Then post them here on the 7th and you will still be eligible for your banner. i'll be doing the roundup at midnight-oh-one on the 8th, though, so don't be late!

challenge: nov 2010 do it yourself, topic: mod post

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