Weekly Request Response Roundup!

Nov 28, 2010 08:47

Despite it being Thanksgiving Weekend for the US, a nice number of responses!  :D

__wilderness__   Arrangement (Starscream/Ratchet 'dancing among the stars')

antepathy  Relapse (Jetfire/Sixshot 'control isn't everything')

bruised_skin  I Won't Let You Fall (Jazz/Bluestreak 'don't let go')

lady_katana4544  Forbidden (Ratchet/Optimus 'forbidden')

left_eye_better  Damage Control (Ratchet/Jazz 'who do you think  you are' and 'damage control')

This weekend is Resurrection Sunday, and my last week (until I need to cover for someone else again)! I'll pick some prompts from the huge list of Old Prompts That Need Love in a few hours.  If you want to prompt for next week, tfrare.pair@gmail.com! 

weekly request roundup

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