Strenghth of Body, Strength of Spark, a Species Imperative fic

Nov 25, 2010 19:51

Title: Strength of Body, Strength of Spark
Universe: Bayverse, Species Imperative AU
Rating: G
Characters: Perceptor, Sunstreaker and a brief appearance by Sideswipe
Warnings: touches of angst, fluff
Prompt: Perceptor/Sunstreaker-Fear of Failure
Notes: written for the “Do It Yourself” challenge over at tf_rare_pairing. Thanks to minibot_love for the beta.

This piece takes place in my Species Imperatvie AU, which is the same universe as “Survival Instincts” and “Mate for Life”. It touches on things mentioned in sunstreaker’s past during “Survival Instincts”, though it doesn’t give a full picture of the Twins’ relationship with Perceptor before the events chronicled in SI. There are a lot of things I know for certain about this ‘verse and a lot that are still being fleshed out in my head, so feel free to comment with questions, concerns or requests for clarification. I’m not afraid to hand out spoilery information to make something make sense for you; just ask flybystardancer. ;)

fake cut to my journal

perceptor, rated: g/k, challenge: nov 2010 do it yourself, sunstreaker, continuity: bay movies, author: eerian_sadow

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