Title: Big Guns
mmouse15Rating: PG
Characters: Jazz, Ironhide, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Optimus Prime
Prompt: Ironhide/Jazz/'Guns aren't always the answer, just most of the time.'
Word Count: 3050 words
Continuity: movie
A/N: Part of my head canon is a very dark little story where a 'Con takes Bumblebee's vocalizer that Megatron ripped out and puts it back in, letting the self repair 'fix' the vocalizer. Which, of course, is why Ratchet has such a difficult time repairing Bee's voice. I can't find the story, but that's why the vocalizer behaves the way it does in the story. If you know this story, please tell me?
quidamling knew it! It's
Glances Into A Spark - Silence by
saesama. Read it. It's amazing.
Onward to the fic!