Next Theme...

Sep 03, 2008 19:33

First a run down of dates:

Requests will be cut off the 18th, or really next morning as soon as I wake up. September 22nd I will hand out assignments. Possibly earlier if I have them earlier. Regardless, stories will be due October 25th, and the author reveals will be five days later - the 30th if we have enough of the stories to post on time.

Next theme is Seven Deadly Sins.

Just a reminder - they are:

Lust (Latin, luxuria)
Gluttony (Latin, gula)
Greed (Latin, avaritia)
Sloth (Latin, acedia)
Wrath (Latin, ira)
Envy (Latin, invidia)
Pride (Latin, superbia)

And here is the wiki link if you want to do research/check them out:

Choose a pairing/threesome/orgy. Choose a sin. Two if you want; Leslie and I ask that you cut it off at two. (I just saw someone going mwah, let's do all *seven* given free reign - I'm evil enough to be tempted, but not evil enough to do it - so we decided on a cut off number.)

New form:

Pairing you want:
Three things you want to see in your fic:
Three things you don't want to see in your fic:

Characters/pairings you will not write:
Three things you will not write:

Thanks, guys.

challenge announcement

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