FIC: Bad Romance

May 24, 2010 20:03

Title: Bad Romance
Author: wicked3659 
Verse: Shattered Glass (AU)
Rating: M/R
Pairing: Prowl x Ricochet
Prompt: Prowl x Ricochet - Give me what I want!


Prowl had been avoiding Ricochet for the best part of a solar cycle. He wasn’t intimidated or worried by the mech’s overly aggressive advances. Prowl wasn’t a fool, he was fully aware of his own allure to the other Autobots. His position as second in command had a lot to do with it. All Autobots craved was power and so those that had it were highly sought after.

He wasn’t however, a fool. He did not react to the majority of mechs’ advances, simply because it was just too risky. The highest probability of him being assassinated was when his guard was at its lowest and that would invariably happen in the berth.

So when Ricochet had made his interest very public, Prowl had taken to avoiding him. Ricochet had a reputation of getting what he wanted, but he was not well known as a berth hopper. All Prowl could logically deduce the mech was after was his position and the inevitable power that went with it.

Ricochet was one of the main body guards to Prime and so his own position was already rather lucrative, clearly that wasn’t enough for the mech others dubbed insane.

Thus Prowl ensured that he remained busy as much as possible and so only encountered the mech in Prime’s presence. He had another much more practical reason for avoiding him, that came swiftly to mind as he stood above the training room watching the mech spar with Ironhide.

He found Ricochet attractive. In fact whenever he saw the mech he wanted nothing more than to frag him into the floor, but Prowl the exalted second in command of the Autobots, right hand mech to Prime and an apparent sparkless glitch. Well the latter was in fact mostly accurate. Prowl was cold, calculating and purely out for himself and ultimate power for the Autobots, with any means necessary. He was not however devoid of feelings and urges like any other mech, he simply had an iron control and a commendable restraint. Especially where Ricochet was concerned.

Ricochet’s golden visor glinted in his direction and a leery grin spread across the mech’s face. Prowl’s door wings flicked up sharply and the mech stalked his way from the observation deck.

There was no way Ricochet was getting what he wanted, not while he still had his spark. Ricochet on the other hand had other ideas as he watched Prowl leave, in that distinctive haughty manner of his.


“I thought I’d find you here.” Ricochet leant against the door frame of Prowl’s office unable to hold back the chuckle that escaped his vocaliser at the almost horrified look on Prowl’s face.

“Ricochet, what can I do for you?”

“Yer assumin’ I want somethin’.”
Prowl returned to study his data pad. “That would be why you’re here wouldn’t it?”

Ricochet let out a dark laugh and sauntered into the room, with all the confidence he could muster. Truth be told, Prowl was a terrifying mech and he was holding his very spark in his hands in order to do what he fully intended to do, now that he had gotten this far. “You got me.”

Prowl shot him a cold glance, feigning disinterest. “What do you want?”

Leaning over Prowl’s desk, his voice dropping to a husky whisper his optics looked Prowl up and down. “You.”

Much to his surprise, Prowl stopped what he was doing and Ricochet’s sensitive audio picked up the skip in his intakes. That and the sudden rigidity of Prowl’s door panels told him all he needed to know.

“You’re not the first, you won’t be the last. You might as well give it up now.”

“Oh I don’t think so Prowl.”

Prowl snapped up to glared at the larger mech, he was not used to being disobeyed. Such flagrant disregard of his authority would normally warrant a trip to the ARC. “What did you say?”

“I said… “ Ricochet slid a finger all the way round Prowl’s desk. His other hand grabbing the back of Prowl’s chair and sending it slamming into the wall behind him, with Prowl still seated on it. “No.”

Maintaining his aloof demeanour, something which was a feat of endurance at this point, Prowl narrowed his optics dangerously. “I could have you killed for this.”

Ricochet shrugged. “You could, but you won’t.” He stood directly in front of his smaller second and trailed a wayward finger up the inside of one of Prowl’s thighs, grin widening when Prowl tried to jerk out of his seat. The heat emanating from the door winged mech was tangible and Ricochet knew it.

Intakes hitched Prowl stared up at the ‘bot daring to challenge him. “You’re making a very foolish action Ricochet. I have half a mind to order your public execution this instant.”

“Mmhmm…” Ricochet drawled his other hand running over a trembling door panel, pinching it with a smirk as Prowl yelped and once again tried to jerk out of his seat. Ricochet promptly shoved him back down with one hand to the chest, before grabbing Prowl’s helm and kissing him forcefully. His glossa invading the other mech’s mouth, tasting him, swallowing the piteous moan that escaped Prowl’s vocaliser. He pulled away with a bite to Prowl’s lip.

He took Prowl’s stunned silence as further invitation and knelt down in front of him, splaying his legs and groping his interface panel, optics dimming behind his visor at the groan that Prowl let out.
He leaned forward pressing the other mech into the chair, pinning his wrists to the armrests. “You want this… stop denying yourself, simple pleasures in life.”

Prowl snarled unable to break free from Ricochet’s stronger hold. “More like what you want… plan on fraggin’ me and then cutting my spark out do you?”

Ricochet laughed darkly. “Oh nothing quite so crude Prowl, yer far too paranoid.”

“It keeps me alive.”

“It keeps you wanting.”

Prowl growled and arched off the chair as Ricochet emphasised his point by licking a line all the way down his chest to his interface panel and lapping at it greedily. He quickly took Prowl’s heated components into his mouth, his glossa flicking, teasing as he mouthed over them.

Prowl’s optics flashed as a sudden click echoed through the room. He keened wantonly when Ricochet drew back with a smirk. Wiping off Prowl’s lubricants from his mouth he grinned at the now exposed mech, wrists bound to both arms by handcuffs.

“What the frag are you playing at?!” Prowl snarled almost desperately, squirming in arousal and straining against his bonds with growing, frustrated ire.

Ricochet backed off hands raised, heading for the exit. “You know what I want Prowl, if I wanted to slag you, you’d be in the pit right now.”

Rubbing his thighs together desperate for more stimulation, his lust completely overriding any self preservation he had left, Prowl groaned once more. “Give me what I want!” He barked the command, his intakes heaving.

Ricochet simply waved his finger and smirked, before turning his back and heading for the door. “You want me, yer gonna have t’ come and claim me.”


The roar echoed out down the corridor as the smug mech strolled, quite confident that he was going to be seeing the wound up second in command very, very soon.

continuity: shattered glass, author: wicked3659, weekly request response, rated: r/m, prowl

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