
May 22, 2010 16:40

*Ahem* If I could have your attention for a few moments, please. It has come to my attention that my reply could be construed as a new set of rules.

Definition: A rule of thumb is an easy-to-remember guideline that isn't necessarily a hard-and-fast rule or scientific formula but it's more than just a dumb guess. For centuries rule of thumb has been used as an estimated measurement by many craftsmen including carpenters, brewers, and tailors. The term referred generally to the length of the thumb from the joint to the tip, approximately an inch.

Emphasis added by me, definition found here.

Please. If you have a question about your pairing, either PM a mod (and we'll discuss) or submit your pairing. We'll discuss if we think we need to do so. Rare pairings are an ever-changing target in our fandom, and what is acceptable now may not be in the future. Also, it's been pointed out to me that there are comms that are pairing comms, but there's very little written for the pairing. Feel free to submit them, and please understand if we decide it's too common after discussion.

Thank you for your time. You may now return to your regularly scheduled f-list.

topic: mod post

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