Title: Left Behind Promises

May 03, 2010 22:34

It took me all day to finish this story. Now my mind is so rattled I can't even hear myself think. *Collapses* Just go read the story...I'm going to stick around here for a while...*unconscious babbling*

Title: Left Behind Promises
Prompt: Month of May's -- Missing You
Pairing: Soundwave/Tracks
Rating: PG
Warnings: Foul language (transformers), mention of violence, child abuse mentioned also, slash,...and fluff <--most dangerous warning there is)
Disclaimer: Don't own transformers, just write weird stuff about them
Summary: It's hard to interrogate the enemy when your childhood is standing before you.

Enjoy :D and Review :D

challenge: may 2010 missing you, format: fanfiction, soundwave, author: loverandrival, tracks, continuity: g1

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