Hi :D

May 01, 2010 23:37

Hello. I'm kinda new here. I've been kinda watching from the shadows for a while now.

I had planned on doing the prompt: Bayverse Ironhide/Sideswipe - Dominance, but it didn't go according to plan...at all. I had an emotional song playing when I started writing it...so yeah. Dominance would only work if you had a construed sense of the word...

I might try again later, but it's late tonight, so you'll have to settle for this very unprompt story...

Title: Dance Child Dance
Rating: PG
Characters: Ironhide, Sideswipe
Summary: We all have strength. Sometimes we just lose what defines it.
Series: Bayverse
Warnings: Fluff...Extreme fluff
Disclaimer: Don't own transformers but really wish I did...*drool*

I hope you enjoy and I hope I can just randomly add a story here :)
Ps. This is my first tranformer fic :D

sideswipe, ironhide, format: fanfiction, author: loverandrival, continuity: bay movies

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