(no subject)

Nov 28, 2009 19:27

Not So Different
Prompt: 048. Writer's Choice: Respect
Author: crazedwolf
Rating: PG
Series: G1-IDWish? Somewhere in there~
Characters: Sunstreaker, Tracks
Warnings: Slash~
Summary: Somewhere, somehow, it all changed.
Author's Notes:
Written for NaNo! =D (This prompt was suggested by someone on Gaia and I gladly accepted the challenge. ;D)


Two for One
Prompt: 049. Writer's Choice: Flipside
Author: crazedwolf
Rating: G
Series: TFA
Characters: Blurr, Shockwave/Longarm
Warnings: Slash~
Summary: They were the same, but at the same time so different.
Author's Notes:
Written for NaNo! =D (Based off a roleplay with my darling cloud_sama)


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