(no subject)

Mar 25, 2010 22:34

BW Waspinator

*is making this post via a wireless connection as he flits off into the night, playing a game of cat-and-mouse with his BF partner*

Wazpinator haz been subject to enough punishmentz to lazzt several lifetimez. Doez he really need to lizt them all for other-botz to get the point?

Sometimez, waz punishment for failure in mission. Uzually, seemed to juzt be punishment for juzt being alive, az if Wazpinator'z very exizztence waz offenzive to some higher power.

And thiz iz what Wazpinator thinkz: Failure iz itz own punishment. Breaking a rule should be taked care of in appropriate wayz, not with violence. Shooting some one iz only gonna make them afraid and nervouz, then they mezz up more *knows from experience* Punishment should be something that makez you think about rulez and why they important to begin with, not something that fragz you up.

And even though Wazpinator haz had more than hiz fair share of punishmentz, he can't help wondering what'll happen if he getz caught tonight~ *is clearly feeling a teensy bit playful and silly today*

prompt: punishment, beastwars waspinator, verse: beastwars

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