Fruitcake? Is that like oil cake?

Apr 11, 2011 20:30

G1 Rumble

"Oh, now that's just slagging great!" Rumble yelped and came simultaneously to a standstill right there in the middle of a street in Nexusville. "Mocking a mech, it's fragging unrobotic!"

He glowered at what appeared to be thin air, but was truly the flashing prompt on his HUD.

It had been months! Blessed months without even one of the fragging prompts pestering him. He had been just about to start bragging that he was too awesome for prompts and the Royalty Beyond lived in fear of him. Bragging! And now... all of it, ruined. In an astrosecond. A slagging astrosecond while he was just walking down the street, all unassuming and innocent.

Well... maybe he had been looking for mischief. Maybe he had even been looking for trouble to cause. But it didn't warrant breaking his prompt-free streak!

"It's a stupid prompt, too!" he snorted and glowered some more at an unfortunate house wall, once again wishing he possessed laser beam optics. "Fruitcake. What's a fruitcake? Is it like an oil cake?" Just on cue, Rumble felt a twinge in his tanks. Oil cake would be really nice right now. Oh, the wonderful oil cakes he had had, dripping with oil and a delicious filling with metal filings... The cassette groaned in dismay as he realized he wouldn't be having oil cake anytime soon.

"Won't even get a fragging fruitcake around here, whatever the slag that is. Bunch of malicious fraggers, teasing a mech like that!"

prompt: fruitcake, g1 rumble

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