TFA Lockdown
Following the
face-off at the Dojo, Lockdown has taken to cruising Nexus's main street-an aimless, festering journey. His ultimate destination is the the Park Slope Apartments where he can check on Slipstream's condition, but he takes his time getting there. He doesn't want to subject her to his unsettled state of processor.
Investigating Swindle’s death had been pressing enough on his processor, he hadn't needed this new turn of events concerning the ninjas to burden his thoughts even more. How is he supposed to plan a hunt for the white swordsmech when he can't even think clearly. He needs to calm down, to collect himself. He switches on his radio, deciding that perusing the random topics of discussion issued by Nexus’s mysterious puppeteers is a welcome distraction from his current anxiety.
He is pleasantly surprised as he tunes into the latest topic. It is something he could talk about to some extent on a public frequency and not limit his musings to his own private journal for fear of divulging too much information. Introversion is a valuable tool of a bounty hunter's trade, but for the moment it can go frag itself because Lockdown wants to ramble about one of the few things he holds sacred.
Music...The phonetics of that word alone sound good, no matter what language it’s spoken in. Music is…well it’s everythin’.
It’s art. It’s politics. It’s culture. It’s community.
Its joy and pain and everthin’ in between.
It’s a companion. It’s a religion. It’s an aphrodisiac.
It’s a drug: an elixir and an addiction.
It’s muse, a siren and a succubus.
It’s universal. Anything that has the ability to make a sound will make music. Even critters make music. Birds…wild dogs, and whales.
It's communication when words ain’t enough or at least when I’ve no idea how to say what it is I’m thinkin’. Music don’t even need words to convey its message.
It’s always there for you when ya need it, and it always seems to know what you wanna hear.
It’s the closest thing I got to spirituality. Not much in the universe is deservin’ of worship.
Music has no shame and no boundaries. It’s gets inside ya and rattles ya down to every last servo. Sometimes it sticks in your processor, plays over and over again, pushing ya to the brink of insanity. The only way to exorcise it is to listen to more.
Music is born in all of us. Some make it a profession and some, like those folks on Eurythma, build their entire way of life around it. Beauty of it is anyone can hum a little jingle or rap some sticks together. Simplest rhythm is all ya need to dance to.
Many have asked me what my favorite song is. I used to try to answer that but learned quickly there is no single answer. My favorite song is whatever reaches inside me in the moment and resonates strong and clear exactly what I’m feelin’. It’s whatever song gives me the inspiration to do whatever it is that needs doin’, whether it’s a headhunt, a journey...or a dancin' date.
I couldn’t function without it. I wouldn’t even wanna try. Would sooner carve out my spark out with a dull hook then live out a functionin’ without music. However, if it ever came to that, I’d make damn certain to hunt down the one responsible for killin’ the music first, get my revenge, then put myself outta my deafened misery.
He pauses a moment, ready to cut off the transmission until he realizes that's probably not the best note to end on.
Perhaps I should share a
piece with ya. One that I could listen to just about anytime and anywhere. It's a song from Earth's twentieth century, written and sung by a poet I'm rather fond of. Fragger's got a way with words plus his nicotine-stained voice just rubs me the right way.
(ooc: post is open but the hunter's mun is still drowning in homework so tag backs will be slow)