UT Starscream
[Starscream is experiencing something like deja vu, only it is not a mistaken feeling of events repeating. His data tracks and chronometer confirm that he legitimately was on the roof, during another storm. It is the place he knows fliers sometimes hang-out, and, as last time, due to its height, not the safest place to be in a lightening storm. The lightening still gives him worry. The differences are that this time, he has a small companion, and that the view includes a few lightening-spawned building fires. Fires do not concern him.]
[Starscream ducks under the tarp. He did not suspend this sloped covering here; it seems left from some previous hanging-out, perhaps to provide privacy or defense against the elements. He sees his small new companion there, preening. His wings spread in challenge, as Starscream approaches; speculum feathers glinting a brilliant blue. Starscream swivels his wings at the wild - yet attached - duck, showing his own challenge.]
[Lightening flashes, illuminating their shelter through the tarp, immediately after, thunder booms. Wind lashes at the expanse of duck cloth, making the securing cables twang with vibration. The duck cowers beneath Starscream's legs, as the large red Seeker sits with raised knees.]
Consider it a challenge for us, Kamo, to face our fear.
[Starscream hears the duck makes a nasal sound, which in another species might have been a snort, but is just challenging to imagine spelling in any set of phonetic characters.]
Dear Journal,
I found a duck, a rather common sort of wild duck, called a mallard. When I found him, he was coated in oil, like a photo publicized by organic conservationists to demonstrate the hazards of oil pipelines or drilling.
All I have to say about that is: fossil fuels may seem primitive and dirty to some, but if energon is scarce, with some trans-scanning and minor modification, even a soldier fresh from Cybertron can able to run on fossil fuels. Large quantities, yes, which is why oil drilling and pipelines are good things.
It is not that I have a great and special love for organic beings; I actually do not. Yes, I hesitated to fire the Hydra Cannon upon Earth. Yes, I felt some compassion or indebtedness to those children from Nebraska. But, I also set a forest on fire just to flush-out Autobots. The death of a few animals: rolls right off me like water.
But, I did feel sympathetic toward Kamo. It was evident he had found his way into our Cave. The water of the underground river is heated near the entrance of the cave, as it comes from the spring, and so animals would not travel it, but the effect on the larger river is that there is a tepid zone where the waters meet. The water fowl take to it quite well. The cave may have seemed suitable shelter, and without a door, we were as much at risk of being visited by wild creatures, as we were enemies, or peddlers.
How he got past Bermuda, I do not know, though I expect he flew. If he was that far into the cave and seeking a place to swim, to feed, perhaps there was an encounter with our koi. The adjacent chamber where we discovered a natural font of oil - drilling did not cause this disaster - must have seemed a means of egress. Yet, it was nearly the bird's death.
I went through some kind of hardship to get him clean, and in the process, he seemed to become attached to me. I do not know how things are with organic birds, really.
While that was going on, I thought, this duck was out of his element. In air, or in water, he would be graceful, but inside a cave and in oil? It made me think of the times I - so truly graceful in air - stumbled down a hill or tripped over rocks.
He's not technorganic, or gigantic or super-powered. He's a normal duck. But here, that makes him a mark. Some slight divergence in spacetime and he could have been eaten by Bermuda. And that made me think how even I, as skilled as I am, compared to some, have been something of a dupe or a mark...particularly in those past dealings with Unicron and his minions. But...sometimes just that I am the one who can be thought of as a weak link, in comparison to those with unbreakable bonds.
Kamo is a fitting name to call such a mark as this duck.
[ooc: The title comes from the lyrics for the music selected for the post. Again, the journal entry itself is not know to characters unless they physically obtain the journal and can read Starscream's Cybertronian/Japanese/English gibberish. However, he is physically out in the open, if any characters wish to approach, and he can be asked about the journal writing in general.]