(OOC: ...I'm still unsure of what all is going on in the mine thread with TFA Megatron, IDW Megatron, and TFA Optimus since Oppy's player is AWOL with Botcon and such. I'm assuming something happens between TFA Oppy and IDW Megs, and possibly TFA Megs as well but I just don't know. I'm taking a few personal liberties between the bond for the sake of simplicity for the after events so I can actually play with my character. :P Give him some alone time. Also, I get props for writing this after being in a Tornado Warning and stuffing all animals and myself in the basement.)
*After the rather...
irritating events at IDW Megatron's Energon Mine, Megatron has decided that his own personal time is in order. His goal has yet to be met, and he's determined to finish what he went to the mine for in the first place. He isn't entirely concerned with where Optimus wanders off to - he believes they've both drilled it in each other's processors that they need to work together and not apart if just for the sake of the bond and their own sanity, and after their recent bonding he's willing to give Optimus a little leeway, not to mention he has his own priorities as well*
*And so he finds himself once more within his own dwelling. For some time now he'd heard an odd noise coming from the direction of their little mini oil-refinery, but it sounded decidedly organic and thus was little of his concern. After feeding Bermuda a chicken (and a few chicks, as they'd conveniently begun reproducing), he idly notes that the odd noise is gone, and leaves him only with the heavy thrum of the waterfall splashing into Bermuda's pool.*
*The craving for the perfect blend of oil was almost insatiable. It is like a fine wine tasting for the old Warlord, like a retiree with nothing better to do with his time but create and consume alcoholic beverages of the finest variety*
*He goes up to the oil area, careful not to slip like Starscream had, and uses one of the Seeker's many, many bowls that now occupy the area along with a table setting and mats. He sits on one of the mats by necessity only (to not mess up his own frame with oil), and bends to gather a full bowl of oil, setting it on the table. He then pulls the various energon crystals he'd subspaced from the mine from his storage along his back, having refused to take them to the refinery. He'd been around long enough he knew how to handle volatile chemicals. In his long years as a Noble, he'd learned the finer stages (and more dangerous) of energon and how to properly refine and use it to his advantage*
*The crystal pulsing and glowing the most is the one he grabs first, and he slowly begins to slide the crystal within the oil. It leaves various abstract swirls of bright pink liquid from the heat of the oil as it melts the crystal, and he rumbles contentedly from his engine as he stares into it. It doesn't take him long before he's tasting it, humming and purring as it slides down into his fuel tanks. It needs... something. Ah. Rust sticks. He pulls some of his spares from subspace (a rare delicacy these days, and he's kept himself stocked), and almost eagerly dips them into the oil, watching intently as the glittering metal chips mix and mingle with the oil and energon. Another taste... and it looks like he has a winner. For only special occasions, of course. It soothes his craving wonderfully, and settles in his tanks and leaves him warm and sated*
*It doesn't take long for him to wind his way to the hot spring, and he settles in it with his freshly made blend of oil. Ten minutes later and he's staring out the entrance to his cave. ...he still needs a damned door. He recalls that Starscream clone... Slipstream, was it? Yes. He opens a comm. directly to his subordinate*
(...forgot to mention this is a decently open post. If someone would like to stop by that's cool with me, just please let Megs and Trix do their plotty things so he can fiiiinally have a door. TFA Optimus and UT Starscream, of course, do not have to ask to enter)