*It hadn't taken long for Megatron to be knocked out cold from the
previous day's and
night's events, with only about five percent stores in his fuel tanks. He was too satisfied to truly be worried - the oil reservoir Starscream and himself had discovered contained more than enough to fill his tanks and leave him more than just a little overenergized for quite some time*
*Either way, he was as content as his spark after his and Optimus' most recent bonding, pleased enough to leave almost all of his warning alert systems offline to recharge more soundly with his mate tucked tight against his chest and stomach plating. Their sparks had eagerly synched pulses as soon as they both fell into recharge despite the plating now separating them. It was warm, and it was... nice. Even he couldn't deny that this was better than constant bickering and endless hatred between them*
*It was becoming easier to wedge his plating open to bare his spark to his mate, as well, and Optimus hadn't even hesitated at all in baring his own. You show me yours, I'll show you mine sort of deal. Simple. Satisfying.*
*And in his recharging state he didn't even realize that he'd nestled his faceplates into the crook of his mate's neck*