BW Cheetor
(Takes place a little before the storm)
Cheetor has just finished his run around the forest near The Shack. Transforming into his root mode, he leans against one of the large trees on the bank of the Whitewater River, as Blue called it. Bluestreak, now there was mech that was as guiless as a new sparked sparkling; when he wants to be. Cheetor had to laugh at the thought; when suddenly his comm.. inbox started to beep insistently.
Geez, what a way to kill the peace…*checks his inbox, finding that he has 4 new texts* “Friendship”, “Frenemies”, “Enemies” and “Comfort”? *tilts head in confusion, then perks up in understanding* Oh! They must those ‘prompt’ things Blue was going on about the other day…
Boy, what a combo…*scratches his head, not exactly sure how to go about this, but guesses whoever sent the prompts was listening to him*
Guess I should start with friendship…*leans head back against the tree as he starts his ‘monologue’* Well, friendship, to me anyway, is a very rare, but important, thing. It’s rare ‘cause even if I had ‘friends’ when I was a sparkling *who doesn’t, really…* those friendships weren’t ‘real’ or strong enough to last past younglinghood.
*Picks up one of the smooth river rocks near his peds and exmine’s it thoughtfully*
When I was in the Academy, I…didn’t have any friends. *small droop in shoulders* I was always too busy studying and practicing to be an Enforcer, like every other bot with big dreams. Sure, they came to me when they needed help with history homework and stuff, but when they were going out clubbing? *sighs, shoulders drooping a little more* When I finally graduated, I did so with the highest marks in all the class. I was really proud of myself, so much in fact that I let it go up to my head. “I’m the best in my class, so, I’m gonna be the best in my team! I don’t need friends!” *scoffs scornfully at himself* I was such an idiot…*throws the rock in his hand, hard, into the river creating a big splash*
*staring at the after-ripples* Because of that…I was kicked out of the Enforcers, not two orns after I entered…*picks up another stone* but, thanks to that I met the first real friend I ever had: Optimus Primal. *smiles fondly at the memory* He was the one to teach me what real friendship is all about. Thanks to him, I’ve learned how to make true friends.
*Grinning happily, he sends the stone skipping a quarter of the way into the river*
As for enemies…*picks a fallen branch and starts to strip it of leaves* Even though I didn’t have any friends, I also didn’t have enemies. Sure, there was the occasional bully, but never someone that actually wanted to hurt me, kill me even. It wasn’t till we received the order from Cybertron to follow and try to detain the Predacon thieves. I don’t know what those fraggers back at Cybertron were thinking! *snaps the branch in frustration* We were explorers, not warriors, we almost died before we even landed on Earth! * sighs in frustration* Of course, I’m only saying that now, back then it was the most amazing thing ever. After a few months of preds trying, and almost succeeding a few times, to kill us, it wasn’t so amazing. And then,*voice breaks a little* when we almost lost Optimus, and when Tigertron and Airrazor…*intakes hitch a little, then takes a deep breath to calm down* That’s when I learned the meaning of enemy; someone who will stop at nothing to destroy you, humiliate and degrade you, just because they can, because you’re in their way, because they don’t care…*last is said in a near inaudible whisper*
*throws one half of the branch into the water, watching as it comes up and starts to float*
Frenemies *chuckles softly* now that’s one I have no problem understanding. If you want a good example, the best example in fact, it would be Rattrap and Dinobot.*snrk* Man, those two were always at each other’s throats, ever since Dinobot defected from the Preds and joined us. Rattrap was always calling him names, actually I never once heard him call Dinobot by his name…*musing* I never really thought them even frenemies, that they actually respected and cared about one another, that is until Dinobot went back to the Predacons. *snaps the branch half in his hand, and throws another piece to the river* Poor Rattrap looked so hurt and betrayed, even after it turned out that it was all part of Dinobot’s plan. It got a little awkward after that, they wouldn’t look at the other, they didn’t want to patrol with each other and when they traded insults, I realized later, they were no longer the half-sparked, near-playful, names they’d used before, but real, hurtful words you could tell got the other in their central core. It wasn’t until we received word from Dinobot a few weeks later, that the Predacons were planning on destroying the small settling of Proto-Humans and that he was protecting them by himself that Rattrap snapped out of his moody and depressed funk. But *drops the twig he was handling and bows his head* we got there too late…Dinobot was…beyond repair…and Rattrap…*clamps his eyes shut, willing back the tears that wanted to fall* If there was ever any doubt that what they had was a real friendship, their words at the end cleared them up faster than acid rain eating through rusted armor. *sniffs and wipes at the stray tears that managed to work their way from the corners of his optics*
And thanks to this place, and whoever’s up there *pointedly looks up to the sky* those two have a new chance to work things out and see if they can go back to the way things were *sniggers* well, hopefully not exactly to the way things were. I don’t think Big Bot could handle going through one of their legendary “arguments” at the moment… poor guy still thinks his either in the Well of Allsparks or in Limbo.*laughs* I just hope that, for once, he’s not right…haha..
As for comfort, *sits down on the soft grass and lies back against the tree* a lot of things bring me comfort: running, talking with my friends, making my friends laugh and smile… and lately it’s been a who, not a what, that has been bringing me the most comfort. Bluestreak *smiles fondly*, as I’ve told him time and again, reminds me of my carrier, and really, who better to comfort you than your carrier. Although I’ve only just met him, I feel safe and at peace when he’s around, especially when he talks. *smirks lightly* Where others would find him annoying and tiresome, I find it comforting, what with his soft and gentle voice.*snrk* I almost fell asleep on him the other day, not because I was bored, but because his voice was so soft it was lulling me to sleep. *laughs out right* When he realized I was falling asleep, he was so flustered and apologetic saying he didn’t mean to bore me to sleep. Poor mech looked ready to cry! I immediately told him not to be sorry and to feel proud himself, because the only way I’d ever fall asleep on someone, someone I just met at that, would be for me to feel comfortable with that bot. And that’s not an easy thing for me, in fact, the only other person I’ve ever fallen asleep around is Optimus, who is probably the only other person, for now, that can bring me comfort. *smiles serenely and slightly sleepily* Yep, those two are probably the only mechs I trust enough and feel comfortable enough with to let them be nearby when I’m asleep.*yawns*
Speaking of sleep *yawn* I answered your prompts, whoever you are, now I’m going to take a catnap…all that running’s got me…bushed…*falls asleep near the river bank, stretched out and with his hands behind his head*
(OOC: OPEN THREAD!! YAY~ Kitty is asleep, but feel free to drop in and wake him up! X3)